"CC Top Universities" List, "Ivy League" Forums, etc.

I have a few enquiries relating to the organization structure of this website, which at the moment, based on my observations, is a little perplexing for more than a few users:

  1. What is the criteria used in deciding which universities to include on the lists at [CC</a> Top Universities](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cc-top-universities/]CC”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cc-top-universities/) and [CC</a> Top Liberal Arts Colleges](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cc-top-liberal-arts-colleges/]CC”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cc-top-liberal-arts-colleges/)?

  2. What is the rationale behind having “CC Top Universities” and “CC Top Liberal Arts Colleges” subcategories, which essentially place particular universities in the limelight based on CC’s own potentially flawed ranking methodology?

  3. Why is there an entire category dedicated to the universities of the “Ivy League” athletic conference (<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ivy-league/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ivy-league/</a>)? I don’t quite understand the rationale behind separating these universities from the “Colleges and Universities” category by the mere fact that they are part of an athletic conference. This isn’t a website dedicated to college/university sports; it’s a website dedicated to colleges/universities in general. Given the subject of this website, it seems that it would be more reasonable if these universities were included under the “Colleges and Universities” category rather than under a separate category dedicated to the athletic conference that these universities play in.

Also, although this is not related to the organization structure of the website, I should mention that there appears to be a maximum of only 2 tags allowed for any thread in College Confidential rather than the suggested maximum of 25 tags, at least from my attempts.

Presumably the site’s organization reflects CC usage and prefereces. Since many, many CC users, rightly or wrongly, devote themselves to getting into Ivy League schools, and are prone endlessly to discuss the differences among them, an “Ivy League” category seems warranted. The top LAC and top colleges categories also seem user-driven. If as many people asked for information about the University of Richmond as ask about the College of William and Mary, then there wouldn’t be a need to distinguish.