CC Wisdom on junior daughter's current college list

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@Illinoisparent12 as it’s been about a month since you shared your original list of schools under consideration have there been any schools added or dropped from it?

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Thanks for asking. Not much has changed, except that she’s become interested in Colorado potentially, so I’ve mentally added Boulder, University of Denver and Colorado College to the list to have her investigate.

Otherwise, I don’t think her thinking will change much until we visit more of the schools on her list. We’ll be looking at Wake and Elon (and maybe Davidson if I can talk her into it) in mid-June, and then there will be a trip to Boston sometime in July. I have a feeling those visits will really clarify things. I’m hoping she’ll find some more schools to like, and perhaps be able to hone in a bit more on what’s most important to her.



I wish I could share the texts my DD’s roomie was sending her last Friday from Elon. FWIW, they both go to UNC but roomie went to Elon because they have the best parties.

I applaud your son for staying out of it.

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You might check out University of Delaware.

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