
<p>hey, im a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill, but its simply not the place for me [too big academically and socially, too greek focused, too much like my home (im from NC about an hour away) and academically too focused on grades rather than learning/simply not challenging). i definately plan on transfering after this year, and at the moment im considering colordado college, bates, colby, hamilton, and swarthmore (although its VERY unlikely i could get in there). i feel like academically any of these schools would be what im looking for, so im mainly wondering about the atmoshpere, but heres some info about me and the type of school i think would be best for me, and id love to hear if you think bates would be a good fit (and how good of a fit it would be), or if you know anywhere else that might be a better fit. thanks so muuch for your input.</p>

<p>im pretty laid back, dont get too stressed out, esp about school (work). but i do take my studies seriously. i want to be somewhere that values learning, rather than simply getting good gradess; personally im not really motivated by getting an A but simply by studying what interests me (this was a big problem for me at UNC)... im trying to find a laid back atmostphere with this same approach to learning. one thing i really want is a place where ill have small classes, where learning takes place through (chellenging) discussions (i hated just sitting in a lecture 3-4 hours a week, and honestly could not learn in that type of enviroment). i think im going to major in political science (theory) and english (literature and/or creative writing), so i'd definately like a school strong in one of these, and a strong writing program would be best. politically im pretty liberal, and (agreeing with Locke) feel that as long as you dont harm others, or infringe upon their rights, you should be able to do/think as you please: i definately want to go somewhere the reflects this idea; where free thinking and ideas are accepted and encouraged.</p>

<p>i know this is a lot, but i definately dont want to choose the wrong school for a second time. any input is greatly appreciated. thanks.</p>

<p>My now soph S at CC also got accepted to UNC-CH. </p>

<p>Small classes? CC has that.</p>

<p>Class discussion rather than lectures? CC has that.</p>

<p>Fraternity/sororiety focus: Not even on the same plane as at UNC-CH. For instance, all parties are required to be open to ALL CC students.</p>

<p>Grade v. learning: That so depends on the student. Needless to say, CC is a LAC.</p>

<p>Challanging/Studying: CC is no fun if you don’t keep up in a class. Also, there are 1/4 block classes and non credit offerings all in the afternoon and/or evening all the year if you want to go farther indepth.</p>

<p>S is fairly liberal, but probably more libertarian. He is a mathematical economics major and dance minor. He has friends in all grades because he is active and outgoing.</p>

<p>Outdoors. CC seems to be a great fit for those who see a tremendous plus to the block breaks for activities. Skiing, hiking, camping. </p>

<p>SUGGESTION: See if UNC-CH has any three day weekend breaks. CC doesn’t take those breaks. Go visit on a weekend that backs up to Monday classes so you can experience class. Live in the dorm.</p>

<p>WEATHER: It is COLD in CS from November to very early April.</p>

<p>thanks for your help. sounds like exactly like what im looking for (plus i think the block scheduling is pretty sweet). im actually out in colorado, and excited to get to go check out CC pretty soon.</p>