<p>I agree with highschoolda he said it better than me.</p>
<p>I would like to see Highschoolda post some sources for his many statistics.</p>
<p>Clig, your xfer chances from a CC are far greater than from a HS...so that is good. Depending on which CC you apply from to UCB may make a difference as well.</p>
<p>Please post more specific information on classes completed and where in the UCB or UCOC web site you saw that what you have done so far meets the pre-reqs fior submitting an app to a UC.</p>
<p>Highschoolda, bust out a dictionary once in a while man...it was painful to read your post and take it seriously with all of the spelling mistakes I read.</p>
<p>exillo quit crying i only Misspelled 4 words and it was cause i type fast and do not care. </p>
<p>not like u can't tell what i meant, u got to stop being so damn paranoid </p>
<p>As for taking it seriously, i could care less about u.</p>
<p>Wow..talk about touchy.</p>
<p>Don't get embarrassed because you cannot spell correctly, or are too lazy to do so. That is not my fault, I merely pointed it out. And you are probably further red-faced that you spouted of supposed "facts" without backing them up.</p>
<p>Tell you what, why don't you post some links to corroborate your info and I'll stop my "crying". Until then, quit posting erroneous information.</p>
<p>Links are not necessary for what i posted. Everything that i said is usually told by a cc counselor and or common sense. Lets examine my points and u wanting links</p>
<p>*1. Univ determines competitiveness by # of lower division classes completed and consistency in grades throughout several semesters. *</p>
<p>Well gee, thats what 3 counselors told me and common sense is. </p>
<p>*2. AP classes do not fulfill requirements for schools like by grad schools like Pharm school. *</p>
<p>I read that for most schools, i do not work for u, if u have interest in that, u can google it if u want.</p>
<p>Hmm, but i know u're to busy checking spelling of 4 words that i mispelled cause i type fast.</p>