CCM Dance Submission - Audition

As many of you know, CCM is doing things a little (or a lot depending on you viewpoint) different than other schools with respect to its video dance recording/submission for kids who made it through to its audition round. In short, the night before the scheduled audition, the applicant receives a video of a combination that she/he has a couple hours to learn, record and submit.

Since this part of the process is during a set time, and that time is when most dance studios are booked with their own classes, I am interested to know from someone who has gone thorgh this (CCM started auditions last week) how much room was necessary to film the combination. If we are not able to secure a studio spot, I’ dlike to know what part of our house we should use to film. Thanks!

My daughter used an 8x11 foot space without problem. Submitted last night and has audition today.


Thanks and tell your daughter to BAL today.

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