Celebrating mediocrity (I may be smacking someone)

<p>Do best flirt.</p>

<p>While I sorta agree that society wants everyone to be a special little snowflake, I wouldn’t go to the extent of calling someone voted “Most School Spirited” exceptional. However, as someone who is part of yearbook production at my school, I can see the OP’s point. Yeah, it’s all trivial and for fun, a little cutesy thing in your school yearbook, but having a bunch of people for a superlative kinda defeats the purpose. My school just votes in a boy and a girl for each category. Anything more is just silly. And from a designer’s standpoint, it’s harder to take great pictures for the superlatives when they have to be group pictures. Egh.</p>

<p>If students in your school really want it changed, try to make it happen. If you make enough noise the administration will change things. My senior class was able to move our graduation location with a petition and some noise at a board meeting.</p>