Central Park Apartments

<p>I thought I’d start a new thread for anyone whose kids are moving into Central Park Apartments Monday August 4th - these are brand new and are located at roughly Hackberry and 12th Street, advertised as within walking distance of campus. They have had no problems finishing on time and getting their occupancy permits, which is so nice compared to some of the bad experiences with other new construction in the past.</p>

<p>According to College Station Properties:

  • Renters are each given a key fob to let them into the building, and an apartment key. There are no individual room keys, so renters are not able to lock their bedrooms. There is only 1 mailbox key per apartment. Any/all keys can be picked up by anyone in the apartment (i.e., for each other, if you are arriving late and College Properties is shut).
  • Parking decals (these are actually hang-tags, so can be transferred to different vehicles) require an in-person signature, tho, for each renter, and they are signing that they understand there is a whopping $500 fine if the parking tag is lost/stolen. Gulp!
  • The mailing address is now officially: 510 12th Street, Tuscaloosa (not 1118 Hackberry).</p>

<p>Please post your experiences on move-in!
Are there any carts to assist with moving?<br>
What did you need to buy that is not supplied in the apartment (that you thought might have been there)?</p>

<p>Evidently the elevator is overheating with all the comings and goings, and only working sporadically today…not good!</p>

<p>I wish I knew about this place when I was searching for apartments, the floor plans look great and the location is awesome. I envy anyone living here :)</p>