CH 104/105 question

<p>My DD has declared Nursing has her major and I know that CH104/105 is the Chemistry sequence for lower division Nursing students. However, she is taking AP Chem this year and could possibly change her major and want to go on to med school in the future. Would CH 117/118 be accepted by Nursing as subs for CH 104/105?</p>

<p>I don’t believe it would because 104/105 is a mix of general, organic and biochemistry. You may have to take 117/118 and then 231/232 to equate with 104/105. However as a premed you would be taking those courses anyway.</p>

<p>feenotype is right that she’d have to have both. upper division required GPA is VERY high, so advise your DD to take the classes she’ll make the A in.</p>

<p>My DD has declared Nursing has her major and I know that CH104/105 is the Chemistry sequence for lower division Nursing students. However, she is taking AP Chem this year and could possibly change her major and want to go on to med school in the future. Would CH 117/118 be accepted by Nursing as subs for CH 104/105?</p>

<p>Since a 3 on the AP exam gives credit for 104, but a 4 or 5 gives credit for the 117 (118 for 5), then it wouldn’t make sense that you couldn’t use AP credits. The school can’t argue that if you did better on the AP test, then that means you didn’t test out 104…that wouldn’t make sense.</p>

<p>Since the science courses req’d for pre-meds are more in depth, if you want the pre-med option out there, you need to check with nursing if they’ll accept Gen Chem I and II and then OChem I and II (for science majors). </p>

<p>Chances are that nursing will accept the science classes for majors (since they are more in depth), but it won’t work the other way around (med schools expect the science for majors). </p>

<p>BTW… another area that needs clarifying. The rule of thumb is that Med schools don’t count AP credits for science, so if you want to use the AP science credits you have to take the “next level”. So if you were using AP Bio credits, then you could take Bio Chem I and II for the next level. The part that is unclear is whether Med schools will count OChem I and II as the next level since those classes are req’d anyway. </p>

<p>As Feeno mentioned, if Nursing says that they will accept AP Chem credits, but you have to take Ochem I (for science majors) as well, then that’s fine since a pre-med has to take those classes anyway.</p>

<p>But, be aware… As hard as nursing sciences are to get As in, the sciences for majors are killers. That said, a B in a science for majors won’t keep a student out of med school, but a B while applying to nursing can.</p>