chance a bad test taker

<p>Asian male OOS (Ohio) came to the U.S 5 years ago
ACT:24 SAT: 1590/2400
GPA: 3.925(weighted) around 3.75-3.8(unweighted)
rank: 46/327 (top 14%)
major: Actuarial Science
5 Honor classes, 2 AP's (chem and clac AB)
ECs: Soccer-10 Chess Club-10,11,12(Co-Captain), German Club-11,12, French Club-12, Interact-11,12, Science Olympiad-12 ESL(English as a Second Language) aide-9,10,11,12
Service Hrs: around 50-60</p>

<p>will applying late affect my chance?</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>Applying late will not affect your chance</p>

<p>According to the chart, you have a 50-75% chance. I think your chances would go up as well if your grades have an upward trend.</p>

<p>yeah, my GPA has increased every year. freshman-around 3.7 sopho-3.8 junior-3.925</p>

<p>what chart did you look at?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Note that your proposed major doesn't matter, you get accepted to the university as a whole. Rolling admissions until the end of January, therefore you are not applying late.</p>

<p>Applied: October 28
Weighed GPA: 94.39/100
Rank: 28/517
SAT: 1730/2400 Essay:8
ACT: 19 (would it matter?)
Residency: Texas
Ethnicity: Hispanic</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Theater Productions for 3 years.</p>

<p>I think my personal statements were well written and I had a letter of recommendation from an adult who really knows me and wrote detailed information about me. I bombed the ACT because I was extremely tired. So what do you guys think?</p>

<p>For one thing Omar, your GPA needs to be unweighted. Second, definitely do send your ACT thats a horrible score... send the SAT. Good Luck!</p>

<p>I don't know how to unweighted it. But it would probably be a low 90 (my school does the 100 scale). I accidentally sent them, too late. My app is currently under review by an admission's councilor. When would I get my decision?</p>

<p>Hard to say when you get them back. It depends when your transcripts/recs arrive and if you get postponed. Could be January-March. IDK how to unweight grades on 100 scale sorry.</p>

<p>I already applied. A long time ago. My UW account say's that my Application is under review.</p>

<p>i just became a U.S citizen(was a permanent resident before), but havent received my passport yet, will receive it before the end of december. should i apply as a U.S citizen or permanent resident? do they ask you for proof of U.S citizen?</p>

<p>psp- You state you are a US citizen, therefore apply as one. A US passport is not necessary for citizens, but good for leaving the country when you want to travel (as well as useful for identification).</p>

<p>so they dont ask for any proofs at all?
also, do they care about essays at all?</p>

<p>how many teacher's recommendation letters do they need?</p>

<p>My friend had a 22 on his act and got into Madison, but he was in state and was valedictorian for this small school.
My other friend just got waitlisted and she has a 21 on her act. She's an idiot. I don't know how that happened. She's from WI as well.</p>

<p>I'd be shocked if that 21 actually gets in. She's at the bottom, by far.</p>

<p>Read the admissions website for answers to questions, they even have an article on myths. All we can do here is read the same things on the UW website and report them- cut out us middlemen and be sure of the information.</p>