<p>Earlier I posted my profile on a chance thread here, however due to my Native American Status everyone said I should strive for better schools so here I go…</p>
<p>Race: Native American
Income: $150,000
GPA: 3.73 Unweighted
SAT: 1920
Courses: All Honors with 9 AP Courses
I go to one of the most competitive public school’s in Mid-Atlantic
Applying into Political Science Major</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
Eagle Scout
Boy Scout 1st Grade through 12th Grade
Editor in Chief of Nationally Ranked School Newspaper
Young Republicans Member 9th grade through 12th Grade
Young Republicans President 11th Grade and 12th Grade
Key Club Member 10th Grade through 12th Grade
Spanish Club Member 10th Grade through 12th Grade
Youth in Government Member 10th Grade through 12th Grade</p>
<p>Volunteer Work:
Unpaid Intern at Harrisburg Republican Offices (2 Years)
Volunteer at Homeless Shelter (2 Years)</p>
<p>The Colleges:
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Out of State)
Georgetown University (Likely Early Action)
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Out of State)
Bowdoin College
Amherst College
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (In State)
George Washington University
Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>Thanks so much.</p>
<p>If you’re looking for another safety, consider Pitt.</p>
<p>I’ve visited Pitt twice and honestly it’s not my kind of place. I don’t like the town, campus, or people. It’s nothing personal its just I feel that I’d be better off somewhere else. Thanks for commenting.</p>
<p>why are you so inclined to public schools? anyways- do consider the UCs (especially UCLA, Berkeley and UCSD).
your list’s pretty balanced out as it is- another reach or two wouldn’t harm! :)</p>
<p>I live in Pennsylvania and I generally want to stay east of the Mississippi. I prefer Public School’s because their cheaper.Thanks</p>
<p>It’s a pretty good list, I just wonder whether public schools will care as much about your URM status as private schools will. If you can raise your SAT above 2000, you should be able to get into most/all of the schools on your list.</p>
<p>I think this is a good list for you. To be honest, if you got your SAT scores up I would tell you to add UPenn to the list as a reach.<br>
GWU has the highest annual tuition in the country, if you’re trying to avoid high tuition I’d say avoid GW.</p>
<p>Yep sadly at GWU that is true. I’m not a fan of that and that’s why I prefer Georgetown and American. I love the idea of going to school in Washington D.C and they do give enough financial aid so they are therefore on the list. As I look at the list I’d also like to add Duke University to the list. Thanks for everyone’s comments</p>
<p>i think you are a match for most… jhu and amherst are reaches…since many schools are looking for diversity, it will be in your favor…i would see which finanacial aid package is the best… are you planning on ed or ea???</p>
<p>I haven’t really decided yet. My three favorite school’s are definitly Duke, UNC, and Georgetown. I haven’t even decided which school I will apply early action or decision for. Thanks</p>
<p>Georgetown is likely with EA. If you don’t do EA they might not notice your minority status.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone. Anyone Else?
I’ve done most of my research and 3 visits recently and I’ve come up with a Final List so just rate these 6 schools. Thanks so much.
- North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Out of State)
- Georgetown
- Duke
- Michigan - Ann Arbor (Out of State)
- American
- Penn State - University Park (In State)</p>