Chance a reach applicant! I'll chance you back...promise!


<li>International student from South America currently living in Europe. Not sure if I'm a URM though. My parents are both white. Eh...I'm pretty tan, does that count? Well, I'm putting down "white" to be sure/fair.</li>
<li>Will NOT apply for financial aid</li>
<li>Oldest of 5 kids</li>
<li>I will complete five years of HS. I did three years in the US before moving to Europe and doing the full 2-year IB Diploma.</li>


<li>SAT I: (first try, studied not a single minute, have been studying quite a bit for the one in 2 weeks) 680 CR, 560 M, 710 W</li>
<li>SAT II: Two foreign languages, 710 & 750, and US History 670</li>
<li>GPA: It's very weird. At my old high school I had a 3.6 on a 4.0, a 4.05 on a 5.0 scale, and a 4.67 on a 6.0 scale. What has really killed me have been math and french. Other than that I have pretty much all A's. At my new school, I have a GPA of 6.5 on a 7.0 scale.</li>
<li>Class Rank: Although my new school does not rank, I was in the Top 10% at a very large, very competitive public school in the US.</li>
<li>Full IB Diploma candidate. Currently predicted at a 41 out of 45 with TOK/EE. There's a rising trend in my GPA, especially in math where I have a 7.</li>


<li>Very interested in diplomacy/foreign affairs. I've devoted about 300 hours of the past years working in these areas thru various school clubs, community organizations, or just reading/researching on my own.</li>
<li>Student Council President (200+ hours over 2 years)</li>
<li>Vice President French Club (100+ hours over 3 years)</li>
<li>Co-founder & chairman MUN chapter at my school (75+ hours in one year)</li>
<li>Community service/volunteering (various things, ~250 hours)</li>
<li>3-year varsity golf player in the US, Top 500 national ranking (may play DIII if I end up at a smaller school)</li>
<li>NHS member</li>
<li>Have earned various school awards (principal's academic list, Community Service member of the year, blah blah)</li>

<p>Definitely a reach, but not entirely impossible. Definitely worth a try; I’d put you at around a 20-25% chance.</p>

<p>Get your SAT I up, and in your essays, try to logically and thoughtfully connect your (apparently…idk) three main activities (french club, student government, and MUN). I think they fit well together with whatever information you’ve provided about your interests, but i dont know if that would make up for your grades.</p>

<p>k thanks, for the advice, excursions. I’ve finished my essay already but I’ve talked a bit about those things.</p>