Chance a rising senior with a reachy list for polysci + suggest safeties and matches?

Penn is an amazing place! Congratulations! Hurrah! Hurrah! Pennsylvan-i-a!

Can I ask which research program did you do ?

i’m sorry but I can’t since I can be doxxed if someone knows both the program name and my research topic.

just got my last decision an hour ago! so here’s how this went:

accepted: UPenn, UC Berkeley, UCLA, WashU, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, UW Seattle + Honors + Purple & Gold Scholarship
waitlisted: Columbia, UNC Chapel Hill, CMU, Boston University, Tufts
rejected: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Stanford

not a single dream school (Yale, Stanford, Columbia) turned out in my favor but I have some good options right now. Weighing between Penn, Berkeley, and UCLA right now. Penn fin aid hasn’t come in yet but it will definitely be better than the UCs.


Which of the admitted schools are affordable, unaffordable, and pending (Penn)?


Yeah, but you got a lot of other people’s dream schools in there.


Yay!!! Congratulations!

UW is off the table but the UCs don’t have TERRIBLE loans. WashU is almost a full ride but I don’t think the school is a good fit for me.

that’s true and I’m grateful for what I have :]

How bout Penn. like WUSTL it meets need.

Loans are no good, especially for a Poli sci major with journalism as a goal.

as indicated upthread Penn fin aid hasn’t come in yet. however, knowing their policies + NPC indications it will probably be a full ride (barring summer work and work study)


possibly my last update here, but officially committed to UPenn on Friday :] and I just declined all my other admissions right now. a little scared I made the wrong choice but still excited for what lies ahead !!


Congratulations! Turn your face to the rising sun and don’t look back:there 100% will be puddles in your path and rainy days at Penn- and there will be at What you do and how you choose to handle the rough spots will be what makes it the right choice for you!


genuinely the last update – i’m a bit late but better late than never. i was rejected from the Columbia waitlist, which means I am fully committed to penn with nothing holding me back !!




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