Chance a rising senior with a reachy list for polysci + suggest safeties and matches?

thank you for the kind wishes everyone :] at least i have an in-state financial safety !! also just found out i got into the UW honors college !! finaid hasn’t come in yet but it’s probably still unaffordable :[ but this was really cool!


I appreciate you letting us know how things turned out!

back to this thread :] im in at UCLA and UCSD !!


Folks will be proud. You should be too.


i got into UCSB :] no rejections so far


How do the financial aid packages and net prices look at the UCs you got into so far?

UCLA is the most expensive at 10k in loans but i can bring that down with more work-study. UCSD at 9k in loans, UC Davis at 8k. UCSB fin aid hasn’t come in yet.

my friend at UCSD says that the number that they give is inflated and in reality you don’t have to take out that many loans so fingers crossed. Also, I’ve been given a lot of conservative work-study estimates and liberal loans estimates.

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Normally, loans more than $5,500 for frosh year need to be parent loans or parent-cosigned loans.

Work-study involves a subsidy of your wages to the employer (the school itself or a non-profit) when they hire work-study students. However, the subsidy is limited, so the employer may not be willing to let your work additional hours that would have you earn more than the work-study amount (unless it is willing to pay your wages unsubsidized). You are, however, free to find a non-work-study job to earn beyond the work-study amount, and are not required to take a work-study job. How available and well-paying non-work-study jobs are around each campus varies.

Perhaps a better way to compare costs would be to look at total net price (i.e. list price minus grants and scholarships). This you will have to pay through parent contribution, work earnings (work-study or otherwise), and loans. The work-study amount is also relevant in terms of how much you can earn at campus jobs that you will get hiring preference for.


Just curious. And every market is different. But in Nashville fast food is paying $16-18 an hour. Banners on the buildings begging.

I’m in Miami for work and its $11.

Might someone getting a part time job at an off campus employer be better ? Or not necessarily because that employer may not be as flexible ??

Obviously, each campus and its local off-campus job market is different.

Be aware that many schools do not deduct projected work-study earnings from the COA, because there is no guarantee how much any given student might actually work. Signing up for work study gives the student the option to participate in work study but does not mandate participation. Therefore the funds are not subtracted from the COA at the time payment is due.

That means you will need to first pay what is owed, then earn money during the school year, save those earnings, and use those saved earnings to pay toward the next semester’s COA.

Something to keep in mind so you’re not surprised by that first semester bill. Please verify how work study payments and/or COA reductions related to projected work study are handled at each school on your final list.


Off campus jobs are notorious for asking/demanding students work more and more hours, not caring whether the hours detract from homework/study time or even conflict with class time.

The good thing about work study is it is ALWAYS scheduled around class time, the hours are limited to attempt to not interfere with homework/studying, and the work is on-campus negating the need and extra time to commute off campus to work. There is an added benefit that some work study jobs are basically sitting at a desk as a receptionist/check-in person which leaves times to study while “working”. Getting a job at Target or Burger King will not allow a student any time to study while working.


LOL. Remember “file clerks”?

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in at WashU and UC Berkeley! still no rejections or WLs… let’s see how long I can keep this going! my money is that Tufts will be my downfall.


UNC Chapel Hill surprise released their decisions today. first waitlist! honestly it towards the bottom of my list and I understand I’m OOS so it might be tougher. still, no rejections! so I’m taking the wins I have.


back again. I think I’m creating a WL streak - CMU and BU waitlisted me. I don’t mind since they were lower on my list. after the Tufts hurdle next Tuesday, it’s all three of my dream schools + 4 more (Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Harvard, Penn, Brown)

still, no rejections!


the WL streak is real – waitlisted at Tufts. last decision before Ivy Day…

not many can say they have no rejections going into Ivy Day though!


ACCEPTED INTO PENN !!! so in shock. and waitlisted at Columbia, one of my dream schools :] got my first rejections today from Harvard, Princeton, Yale (this one hurt), and Brown. but PENN!!!

