As far as the programs I’m interested in go-- Finance or Economics. Long term goals are probably in high finance in either Chicago, NYC, or San Francisco.
Basic Rundown:
Current School: State School in Arizona
College GPA: 3.9
ACT: 27 (didn’t bother retaking it)
Term application: Incoming Junior for the fall semester
Race: Caucasian
(1): Residential Realtor for a large brokerage locally
(2): Two Private Wealth Management internships (8 weeks) & (10 weeks)
(3): Extern Finance-group founder, organized and planed trips to local firms with fellow students. Went to Vanguard and Edward Jones.
(4): A bunch of random jobs (server, valet, ect) I’ve worked over a 3 year period.
(5): Misc. Volunteer work
(6): Investments Club & Financial Management Association member
(7): Founded a business, did 2.5k in sales in November.
What do you think my chances of getting in are?
I should also add that I trade stocks with real money… probably doesn’t count for much but is definitely an interest of mine I would like to note.
Graduate and keep up your stats and get a strong GMAT score and apply to those schools for the bigger prize an MBA
@ClarinetDad16 Well if I graduate from a state school where the local job market isn’t the best and then stick that out and apply to a MBA program it just sounds miserable. When I can transfer to a target school, land a BB IB job, make 2-3 times more in pay, and have more credibility when I apply to MBA programs down the line if I choose to. I’m sure the first is more structured and less of a bet, but I am ready to take a different path.
Your best shot is USC but still a long shot. I would recommend retaking the ACT or SAT.
Why not set your sights on a lower tier school in your target market that has good placement in the city you want to work?
Otherwise odds are you will be staying in Arizona.
@ClarinetDad16 I’ll pm you in a few months with a few acceptance letters.
@ClarinetDad16 The fact you just tried to tell me USC is a “long shot” for me when they have a 29% acceptance rate, a transfer average GPA of a 3.7 (which mine far exceeds), and they don’t even consider ACT test scores for junior transfers just shows me how out of touch you are lol.
overall transfer acceptance rate:
Harvard 1%
Chicago 2%
Safe to say it is harder to get in for finance / economics at those schools…
That leaves Northwestern, USC, NYU
It most likely is harder to be accepted as a junior.
I highlighted USC as your best shot. If it’s 1 in 10, 2 in 10 or even 3 in 10, the odds are stacked against admission.
I like your confidence and wish you the best of luck.
@southeastwest Not to mention that most successful transfers to Harvard and Uchicago are from peer schools.
@Anniebot Yeah I understand both are far reaches regardless of my stats & extracurriculars, should have left them out. More focused on NYU, NW, and USC. Thanks 
I missed the part about what makes you a unique transfer? I’m not being rude, I just don’t see what it is.
@collegemom3717 Nothing considerable, just wanted my thread to stand out among the others. No worries.
Fair enough- guess it worked!
Your ‘why’ essay will be critical.
Was your ACT a 26, 27, or 28? You posted each of those scores in different threads.
I incorrectly posted it as a 28 and a 26. It’s a 27. And if you see a change in my GPA, it is because after this semester (which is just wrapping up) my GPA was boosted to a 3.9. Still debating if I want to study my a$$ off to retake it in the coming months before applications, some say it isn’t weighted as heavily so idk.