chance All Uc's Notre DAme Geogretown Penn Princeton cornel and LMU

<p>3.7 UW
4.2 W
4.03 UC GpA</p>

2nd time</p>

<p>M 710
CR 670
W 670</p>

<p>SAT II BIo 720
MATH II 800</p>

<p>IB Diploma/MYP</p>

<p>just moved in state(California)</p>

Not Great---ok-20 hours per weeks</p>

<p>No rreal jobs-statistician</p>

<p>300+Community service hours</p>

<p>Awesome essays/recs</p>

<p>I remember there were a bunch of questions on the UC application asking how long I've lived in California and stuff, so I'm not entirely sure you'd be counted as an in-state applicant...</p>

<p>If you are in-state, I'd say:
UCLA/B - Slight reach/reach
UCSD - Slight reach/Match
UCI/SB - Match/Safety
Other UCs - Safety
Notre Dame, Georgetown, LMU - Don't know
Cornell - Reach
UPenn - Reach
Princeton - Far reach</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match
UCI/UCD/UCSB: Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Safety</p>