Chance ambitious Transfer please!!

<p>The idea of going to cornell has been a dream and now its the second year of college and I had a rough time in high school my gpa was 3.4 and i have been going to community college I was wondering what were the chances of me transferring to Cornell currently i have a 3.6 GPA with an upward trend and I am taking classes that are more on the side of math/science I am still undecided about my career choice.
Chem 1 & 2 (A)
Bio 1 (B+)
Organic Chem 1 (C+)
Calc AB (A)
Physics A (A)
A & P (A)
Comp. English 1 (B+)
Sociology (B)
Drawing 1 (A)
I was wondering if it was worth applying with these scores
and is SAT mandatory for Application</p>

<p>Low chance.</p>

<p>A lot depends on what school you’re applying to, but it’s probably going to be a long shot either way. Good luck though</p>