Chance an apprehensive teenage girl for schools like Columbia, Tufts, Georgetown

Or the OP could look at other sources of ‘truth’ and opinion. For example, each of the schools @Dadto2NY mentioned, as well as Bryn Mawr, outranks all of the liberal arts colleges listed on your linked US News ranking when it comes to R&D expenditure dollars through 2020 (of course, the national universities are on another tier of spending). Brandeis and Tufts (not really LACs) are in the 100s, Wesleyan and Bryn Mawr are in the 300s (with Wellesley), Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin, Harvey, Haverford, Pomona, and Swat are in the 400s, Hamilton and Vassar are in the 500s and Agnes Scott in the 900s. NSF – NCSES Academic Institution Profiles – Rankings by total R&D expenditures

Maybe R&D dollars don’t tell the whole story, but ostensibly a good indication of the amount of research activity on campus. I would think more research activity would generally lead to more research opportunity. So common sense would suggest not ignoring two of the top (if not THE top 2) R&D spending LACs, each of which hosts some minor MS and PhD activity, because they randomly don’t appear on a US News sub-ranking. For one example I know well, Wesleyan is a leader in the NE KNAC consortium (to which neither Hamilton nor Amherst belong) and often hosts more consortium exchange students than other members for summer REU work because of its budget and amount of research it can offer in that area.

As to classroom experience, the Fiske Guide rankings of school “Academics” includes "consideration about the overall academic climate of the institution, including its reputation in the academic world, the quality of the faculty, the level of teaching and research, the academic ability of students, the quality of libraries and other facilities, and the level of academic seriousness among students and faculty members”. I would think the bolded considerations factor into most ideas of what “classroom experience” means. In its 2020 iteration, Bryn Mawr was #5 and Wesleyan #33 of the 36 schools that received the tippy top 5 pens rating. Amherst, Barnard, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Haverford, Swat, Wellesley and Williams were the other LACs included in that top category. Most Elite Colleges & Universities for Academics--2020 Fiske Guide To Colleges