Chance An Average Student


<p>Thanks for chancing me dude! In return… (omgz i have never heard of most of these places)</p>

<p>Drexel Univeristy- In, i think?
Rochester Institute of Technology- never heard of
Roger Williams University- never heard of
Syracuse University- in, i think
SUNY Buffalo- never heard of
University of Delaware- in.
UMass Amherst- in, i think
Wentworth Institute of Technology- never heard of
Virginia Tech- i thought this one was really hard, so reach with the ACT score?</p>

<p>Sorry I wasn’t much help ='[</p>

<p>Thanks it helped a bit</p>

<p>The only one that could be a reach is syracuse, just because of your SAT scores.</p>

<p>I think you have to keep in mind that your ethnicity is to your advantage in this case as well. It should override your slightly lower SAT scores. I honestly don’t think you will get into Harvard, but you can get into a pretty good college. You seem to have great ECs</p>

<p>thx ill keep that in mind i’m hoping i can get into vt its my number 1 choice luckily for me they don’t use writing</p>

<p>I think you’re probably in everywhere except Virginia Tech. Unless you’re instate. In which case, you should be good. BUT WHOO RWU!!! YAY!!!</p>

<p>what does that last part mean?</p>

<p>If you mean the question on the bottom someone already answered.</p>

<p>You should be good for most, VT would be the only maybe.</p>

<p>thx bump…</p>

<p>Add UCincinnati to tht list</p>

<p>I think you are in everywhere.</p>


<p>bump… anymore?</p>

<p>bump - will chance back</p>

<p>you should be just fine for Virginia Tech. all the others are outside my realm of expertise, haha.</p>