Chance an out of stater Please!

<p>I’m a student who has completed highschool and is taking a gap year. </p>

<p>I want to move out west and attend any of the UC’s </p>

<p>I have a 3.0 UC a-g GPA </p>

<p>I graduated in the top 40% of my class from the 7th best highschool in PA</p>

<p>I have a 30 act
34 Reading
32 Math
28 Science
25 English/Writing</p>

<p>all honors classes
5 AP
took 3 ap tests
5 in US History
5 in Psycholgy
4 in World history</p>

<p>I have fantastic extra curriculars
Vice President of Class
500+ community service
Model UN
mountain climbing extensively well traveled </p>

<p>Great Essays about climbing mt kilimanjaro and overcoming life with a bipolar mother and psychiatrist father and having to deal with the difficulties of family life</p>

<p>I’m just concerened because I dont meet the elegebility requiremtns for the UC’s and am stressing out as california really is a chance to start over for me</p>

<p>can you guys let me know if I can make it into any of the UC’s especially UCSC as it is my top school</p>

<p>Like you said, you don’t meet the eligibility requirements. It is highly unlikely you’ll gain admission to any UC. </p>

<p>Don’t let that ruin your dream of coming West. </p>

<p>You don’t mention your intended major but, Sonoma, Monterey and Sacramento are 3 solid CSUs you could probably get into in N Cal. While you are at it, apply to a few privates like UOP and St Marys. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>GPA is low for most UC’s except Merced. CSU’s are your best bet.</p>