Chance at UA

<p>Chances threads are pretty useless as there's no way to know for sure. You won't lose much by applying and seeing for yourself.</p>

<p>ASU has a better business school than U of A, so it's not completely a party school. <em>shrug</em> There are some really smart people who end up at ASU and go to its business school. It's churned out some of the top CEO's in the country.</p>

<p>Did you really just say that ASU has a better business school than UofA? Are you serious? Yes, we realize that smart people do go to ASU....but they also let in almost anyone who applies.....thats the whole point of ASU getting its bad rep. Because they have such low standards that it makes the smart students look worse since they are vastly outnumbered by the other students who slacked off in high school, got a 2.5 GPW and a 19 ACT....while still being admited to ASU. Back to your other comment that ASU has a better business school then UofA. Thats a joke. Isn't Eller like #10 public b-school in the nation?</p>

<p>Some of the top CEO's have attended ASU's business school (as in at least nine.) One of the professors at ASU is also a Nobel winner in economics (the last time I checked, UA does not have that.) I realize that practically everyone gets into ASU, but it's pretty much the same with U of A (maybe slightly more standards, but nevertheless, still pretty low). Even despite pretty low standards, U of A has a great astronomy program and even the lowest people who get admitted can still be astronomy majors. ASU, much like U of A, can do this with its business school. </p>

<p>In truth, the program at ASU is actually pretty rigorous from what I hear as well. It's not a "slack off" environment at all and you're required to get a certain grade in certain courses to advance to other courses (above C's that is.)</p>

<p>I agree with you that overall, U of A is probably a better school than at ASU, but you have to admit that there are some better programs at ASU than at U of A.</p>

<p>Isn't college what you make of it? Whether you go to a less reputable school or not, its all going to matter WHAT you did in college, right? As far as colelge, its more of the environment you want to surround yourself in, and maybe a specific major you may be interested in.</p>

<p>People should educate themselves before making uninformed statements. According to the 2008 US News rankings, ASU is 25th and U of A is 23rd among undergraduate programs. For MBA programs ASU is 41st while U of A isn't in the top 50. Within specific majors, U of A is better in MIS, Management, and Entrepreneurship while ASU is better in Accounting, Finance, CIS, and Supply Chain Management.</p>

<p>Neither school has a distinct advantage over the other, but I have a feeling that in the next few years ASU will overtake U of A in undergraduate rankings. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that ASU is located in Phoenix and therefore the students will have greater access to internships and jobs with employers there.</p>

<p>Wow... you guys argue over really stupid stuff. Well, If the original poster even cares anymore, I just got accepted into UofA w/ a 2.8 unweighted GPA, no EC's, and a 1510 SAT (haha... I haven't been very ambitious throughout high school). But I am an in-state student, so I'm sure that I was probably priority over the out-of-state kids. I'd say that you probably have a decent chance of getting in though.</p>

<p>Yeah....we are talking about undergrad b-school not MBA. If we were talking about MBA we would be in the MBA discussion on this site. UofA is higher ranked than ASU in undergrad b-school. When ASU overcomes UofA's ranking then you can make your assesment. Phoenix is not the only big city innarizona you know. Tucson has over 500,000. There are plenty of oppurtunitys there, especially with UofA's good b-school reputation.</p>