Chance at Yale? Or am I aiming too high?

<p>I'm a rising Senior from Illinois and I need your help!
Chance and other advice? Please and thank you</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Chinese</p>

<p>Test Scores:
ACT: 34 (35 E, 35 M, 33 R, 31 S, 11/12 Essay)
SAT: 2090 (670 R, 740 M, 680 W) <em>Submit or not?</em>
PSAT: 205</p>

<p>High School:
Middle class suburban, I'm not that privileged. <em>I did transfer from a prestigious rich high school in California after freshman year and it really complicated my future schedules and EC's</em>
GPA Weighted: 5.55/5
Class Rank: 3/506
Grades: I've maintained straight A's throughout high school while picking the heaviest course load my school has offered.</p>

<p>AP Classes:
World History-5
English Language & Composition-5
US History-5</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Calculus BC
AP Government
AP English Literature
AP Physics C
Orchestra (4 years)
Intro to Business</p>

<p>(Freshman year I took Chinese 1 to learn how to read my language, but then when I transferred to my new school, they didn't offer any Chinese. I still take Chinese outside of school, but I dropped into Spanish and here I am now. Would anyone also like to give advice on what to do with my Spanish course?)</p>

(My freshman year EC's were way different than what I do now because of my transfer, what should I do about it on my app?)</p>

Summer Boot Camp at USMC base Camp Pendleton (Life changing experience)
Symphonic Orchestra - Highest level orchestra, winning top ranks at Irvine and San Diego
Key Club- 24 volunteering hours accumulated, Youth Relay Volunteering
Chess Club member
JV Football
(I guess you could say I was a shy kid over there)</p>

<p>After Transfer:
Debate Team (3 years) - Best PO award, State, Varsity Letter, Regional Distinguished
Math Team (3 years) - 2 2nd Place Regional Awards, upgraded to speech competitor for Senior year.
Student Council (3 years) - Vice President; worked on Haiti Relief fund raising over a thousand dollars in a teacher/student basketball game; managed yearly canned food drives getting student body to come together and donate goal of 10,000+ food items to local pantry; Homecoming Planning; Prom Planning Committee; Turnabout Planning;
Tennis (3 years) - JV(Soph)/Varsity Doubles
Symphonic Orchestra (3 years) - Entered Tri-M Honors Society
Chinese School (3 years) - Honor Roll</p>

<p>Academic Awards include your typical state scholar thingies, and Principals Honor Roll. 2 Worth Mentioning Are:
Chinese American Association Distinguished Scholar Award Presented by Mayor
National Merit Recognition or Semifinalist</p>

<p>So yeah, Great recs coming in from my English and US History teacher. That's about it. Anything particularly weak? EC's lacking? Is it too late to do anything about it? Transfer complications? Advice is much appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you so much guys
If there are any other school suggestions please do give your advice!</p>

<p>No one knows your chances. Your transcript is good. I would submit the ACT, as it looks stronger.</p>

<p>First of all, you can never shoot too high as long as you have a fall back. I am a transfer student to Yale –which accepts 1% of the applicant– I got accepted here but rejected by Brown and NYU. College admissions are sadly a crap-shoot.</p>

<p>Your transcript looks perfectly fine. There is nothing keeping you from coming to Yale. However, that is only half of the battle. You need to distinguish yourself from the rest of the students who have a similar transcript. The way to do this is your essay. I can not express how important it is that you essay show who you really are and how unique you are. Be brave in what you write about. Look and see how your other classmates are writing and about what. Then. do the exact opposite. Every student at Yale not only has a good transcript but they either have a truly amazing story (invented something, interned at some businesses, helped orphanages, etc.) or they have an amazing essay (make the reader cry, laugh, or scream). Stay away from the cliché topics (parents being role models, grandparent’s death, or volunteering). Your transcript will get your application through the first round, but you need to do something that will make the reader put it on top of their stack. Be memorable.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Definetly have a chance if your essay is “memorable” as tsbshb said :slight_smile: I also recommend applying to Dartmouth.</p>