Chance for aerospace major at purdue, georgia tech?

<p>Hi im a 15 yr old studying in 11th grade in the ib program..
just got my 10th (igcse) results, they are:
Math: A star
Eng. Lit: A star
Eng. Lang.: A star
Geography: A
Hindi (2nd lang.): A
Co-ordinated Sciences (double grade) AA
Computer Studies: B
Additional Math: B</p>

<p>sry no gpa n all out here..anyway im doing physics, math and economics hl along with english, hindi and chem sl..everyone says its a pretty tough combination bt i dont mind it cause i love math and physics..doing my 1st sat test in nov and hoping for around 2100..
EC's: I organized an awareness march of 2000 school children at a tier-3 city for cleanliness
I do alot of charity work, mainly at this village/small town, to make it cleaner and working to provide parts of it with 24 hr electricity using solar power
I play badminton, cricket, soccer for school
going to do alot more cas work and internship next summer
i play the drums and guitar
i also recently lost 55 pounds, not an ec but i consider it kind of an accomplishment lol
btw im indian so have to apply as an int. student</p>

<p>So i basically need ur help to try to figure out which univ. i could get into for aerospace eng. with these..looking at georgia tech, michigan tech or purdue bt would love any recommendations.. i know i have 2 yrs left but needed an opinion please thanks!!</p>

<p>anyone?? jst need to know how much i need to do to get into those three pleaseā€¦thnks</p>