Chance for AMO, IYWS, and STEM camper

what’s the chance for the combination of AMO+IYWS+Simons camp (just declined SSP) for HYMPS? Which one has better chance for EA? varsity team player, not captain but won multiple state and regional awards, perfect score for all standard tests, and multiple writing keys … leadership roles, enough volunteering/community service hours, GPA 5% (well known school, no grade inflation) thx for suggestions!

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If you want people other than 16 year olds to chance you, you might want to consider not writing like you’re sending a text. People aren’t going to look up acronyms they don’t know or try to decipher sentence fragments


By AMO, do you mean USAMO? By Simons do you mean Simons Summer Research Program? What is IYWS?

Ok…I’ll bite. And what do you want to know? You mentioned a bunch of universities HYPSM. Do you want to know if these summer programs will help you get accepted at these highly competitive colleges? And early decision…or not?

Your post is extremely unclear.

did you get into ssp for astrophysics, biochem, or genomics?

Iowa Young Writer’s Studio

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