Chance for Harvard? And question about application

<p>I am assessing my chances at even a second look from Harvard. It's tied for number one as my top college (with Georgetown, and I was accepted EA!), and I would be thrilled if I had a shot. </p>

<p>I have submitted my application and I have an interview coming up. I am pretty nervous and excited at the same time. Do I have a sliver of hope to hold onto? =]</p>

<p>Female, African American, Currently a Senior at a Public High School</p>

<p>SAT I- 1440/1600 800CR/640M
SAT II- 660 English Lit, 660 World, 670 USH (Ugh, kill me please.)</p>

<p>Top 3% of Class, Rank 17 out of 511
3.85 unweighted, 5.45 weighted
Editor-in-Chief of School Newspaper
Historian of National Honor Society
Captain of Tennis Team
Officer of Best Buddies Club
Member of Rho Kappa (Social Studies Honor Society)
Member of Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society)
Member of Colorguard Squad/ Marching Band</p>

<p>AP World History- 4, AP US History- 4, AP Psychology- 4, AP Lang. Comp- 4, AP Lit- Taking AP Environmental Science- Taking, AP Micro/Macroeconomics- Taking, AP Calculus BC- Taking
Total of 9 AP courses during high school</p>

<p>Did 100 hr. internship last summer with local newspaper, Was recommended from the internship to a non-profit organization and became press release writer for The Dream Factory of Florida</p>

<p>National Achievement Scholarship Competition Semi-Finalist (Applying and will find out of Finalist Status in March) AP Scholar with Honor, Academic Letter, Varsity Tennis Letter</p>

<p>My essay was the best that I have written and I feel very different from the traditional essay. But it will depend how it's received by the adcoms. Writing is my greatest strength.</p>

<p>And I have also been very dedicated the school paper, and that was portrayed in my short answer essay. The paper has undergone a drastic facelift.</p>

<p>EDIT: Oh I forgot to write my question. I have been checking and rechecking the status of my application, and it says that they are missing my Secondary School Report. However, I mailed the report at the same time I mailed my teacher recommendations, and they have received those. Should I call them to check, or give it another week?</p>

<p>hmmm…you’ll probably get in.</p>

<p>best of luck!</p>

<p>apply it cant hurt</p>

<p>Help with my question?</p>

<p>Insecurity bites. -____-;</p>

<p>But is anyone on CC a part of WHRB?</p>