Chance For UCLA, USC, UCB, USF Please =)

<p>No SAT Scores Yet, will take in March </p>

<p>Probably in Top 20 of a class of around 350</p>

<p>Sophomore GPA's Unweighted: 4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 3.83 (One English Honors Class not Weighted)</p>

<p>Junior GPA's Unweighted: 3.83, 3.63( 1 AP US History Class, 1 SPanish Honors Class Both Weighted)</p>

<p>-->Weighted GPA's by quarter: 4.00,4.00,4.00,3.83,4.17, 4.00</p>

<p>--> EC's:
- Freshman JV Track and Field
- 3 Years LVY (Community Service CLub)
- 2 years CSF
- (Future) CSF President <strong>Knock on Wood</strong>
- (Future) Internship at Academy of Fine Arts
- (Future) LVY Core Team
- (Future) Block Club(Leaders of my school)
- (Future) Senior Council
- Still thinking of more things to do (SUGGESTIONS PLEASE =D)</p>

<p>--> Awards:
- Most Promising Hurdler Award
- Best in Class for World History
- Best in Class for Spanish 3,4
- Certificate of Acceptance to the Congressional Student Leadership Conference</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>


<p>Don’t worry about future EC’s only the present for this is most important, duh! (I am CSF at my school too by the way!) What were your scores on the PSAT? If anything you will improve by the time you take the SAT’s but use this as a rough low estimate. Your course load does not seem too challenging, for schools like UCB they really like seeing high-level classes and if those are not available then Community College Classes. All UC’s count Unweighted GPA. Post your PSAT score so people can chance you.</p>

<p>Actually, Gabzilla, the UC’s don’t use an unweighted GPA. They use a “UC” GPA which is based off of a total 8 semesters of Honors/AP credits during sophomore and junior year.</p>

<p>To poster: I’d say that the UCs are gonna be sorta reach without good SAT scores. Your course load seems somewhat weak, and your gpa isn’t outstanding. However, it is possible. Those “future” EC’s would look quite nice as actualities, so work on those.</p>

<p>My UC GPA Without my Ap and Honors classes is –>>>>3.94<<<<–…My school did not offer AP’s in sophomore year, my school offers minimal AP/ honors classes in the Junior year, and my school does not have a ranking system. </p>

<p>Just thought I should put those down.</p>