Chance (Harvard) and match a poor Colombian international (please)

Hello, I am in high school and am 17 years old; I am in 12th grade actually, and I will be graduating in June 2023. I have applied for RD at Harvard and would like to grasp my chances. I also applied to 19+ universities that meet 100% need or could cover 100% of my expenses, since I am below the US poverty line; if you could suggest other universities, anywhere in the world, that can do those things, please do. I can hardly pay for a Colombian university, so I am pretty desperate.

Intended Major: Anthropology or Linguistics.
Demographics: 17 years old, Male, LGBTQ+, Colombian (Latinx), Buddhist, (I know it’s strange.)

Stats: US and Colombian high school degree (school has double certification), 4/4 unweighted GPA, 4.27 weighted GPA, did not submit SAT, 150 Duolingo, AP World History, AP Seminar, AP Research, Honors Math 9th grade, Honors Algebra II, Honors Chemistry, (my school doesn’t offer much else, and I can’t pay for even 1 AP some years, but I mentioned this in the additional info.)

Extracurriculars (these are all confirmed by my letters of recommendation since I am international):

Lecturer for an international institution (AMP) - Gave three years of seminars (9,10,11) to an audience of experts (Phds) on Lacanian psychoanalysis. There was a collaboration with the JEP (an ONU-certified organ of my government that does transitional justice) and a particularly famous philosopher which I noted.

Writer and Researcher (again, for the AMP) - I wrote for two research groups and published a peer-reviewed original essay for the second one. (I defended it in a congress, and an owner of a publishing journal (general secretary of the AMP), publicly commented on it. My mentor wrote me a letter of recommendation since I have been working with them for four years straight.

Therapist for a psychiatric clinic - I treated a lot of patients, as a therapist under professional supervision, from a local psychiatric clinic for free. My work there was certified. This was one summer.

Member and lecturer for an official student gathering at the Technological University of Bolivar - I organized reading material for weekly meetings and gave classes on Lacanian psychoanalysis. This was for students and graduates in psychology. It was in the 9th and 10th grades.

I have an active blog where my work group’s activities are documented. In the app, I included the name.

Over the span of three years, I wrote and recorded three podcasts on anthropology, clinical psychology, and psychoanalysis for educational purposes: it was advanced material. I worked with PhDs to make them, and they talk about their research there.

At the Bolivar University of Fine Arts, I took non-certified advanced courses in classical guitar and helped a teacher give beginner courses.

Also, I founded my school’s first philosophy club with another Ph.D. We would attend congresses to present original written works; I taught classes.

I too founded my school’s first chess club. There, I taught beginners and organized tournaments.

Finally, I played for and co-founded my school’s first official band. We’d represent our school in sporting events and participate in ceremonies year-round (for four years).

(Bonus: my counselor mentioned I have written a novel (60,000 words ish) that I am trying to publish. Because of that, I am a decent author, so my essays were very good. Though it is only my value judgment.)

LOR: Counselor 10/10, Teacher 1 10/10, Teacher 2 8/10, Mentor 10/10

My awards are negligible: Directors honor roll x3, Honor roll, Best student in English, Social Studies, and Spanish class. These are awards my school gives out yearly.

In total, I applied to Duke, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, Northwestern, Washington and Lee, Upenn, Amherst, Swarthmore, Williams, Pomona, Colby, Bowdoin, Vassar, Vanderbilt, Princeton, Cornell, Brown, Dartmouth, Indiana University Wells Scholars Program (note that I need 100% need in all of these.)

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You look like a very interesting candidate. The lack of a standardized test (no SAT or ACT, and no AP scores) hurts your application, as it would anyone applying from a high school whose rigor is unknown to the college, because it means that a data point (testing) that allows comparison to others is missing, when the other data point (GPA in light of school’s rigor) is also blurry. But I think it is too late to do anything about this now.

For places like Harvard, consider that they might take the top one or two students in your nation - and they would expect that there had been national testing that would have shown such. I do think that you might have a chance at some of the slightly less selective schools on your list, because your ECs are very interesting. I suggest that you also make options in Colombia.

How did you do on the ICFES?

How did you get involved with Lacanian psychoanalysis to the level of giving lectures to PhD’s, in 9th, 10th and 11th grades? Is your interest in linguistics related to this? What do you think about feminist critiques of Lacanianism?

Internationals who need full aid have to realize, as you no doubt do, that most of the schools that meet full need are not need-blind in admission. MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Amherst, Dartmouth and Bowdoin are need blind. I am glad you applied for a merit scholarship.

Schools that are not need-blind may still accept you of course, but financial aid is very competitive in many cases. You still have a shot!

Perhaps others know of other merit scholarships you could still apply for.

Did you submit a music supplement and/or extra letter of recommendation from EC’s outside of school?

I’ve had a sufficiently high level of reading since I was very young. Before the 9th grade, I had already read the philosophers that precede Lacan thoroughly and I was very familiar with a wide range of Freud’s works. Through chance, I met an important psychoanalyst that took notice of my unusual situation and invited me to a lecture to test me. I have been working with them for four years since then. Indeed my interest in Linguistics stems from Lacanian psychoanalysis, which I would call the study of the individual and his organizations through total linguistic logic.

I think feminist critiques of Lacan don’t quite understand his work. I don’t blame them, even most specialized professionals won’t even touch Lacan. If you actually compare his and Levi-Strauss’ theory of incest prohibition, you’ll see two models that talk about the exchange of women in the same terms. It’s just that Levi-Strauss was carefully read by Simone de Beauvoir and was essential to making the Second Sex, and Lacan hasn’t been carefully addressed yet by almost anyone.

I did not submit a music supplement because I am not at the national level. I do have a letter of recommendation from my mentor that is incredibly strong.

Thank you for asking.


Yes, I was worried my ECs wouldn’t make up for my poor academics. But, how many applicants do you think have been published for original work? I am not sure myself, and it seems that if it’s many I have no chance, since my academics are poor.

Why is 4.0/4.0 ‘poor’ academics?

What was your ICFES score?

I say poor academics because of my lack of Aps and also no SAT score. That puts me well below the vast majority of applicants. I have not taken the ICFES, since it is in may, but I am projected to get around a 450. (My school gives us past tests to complete.)

Yes and no. You are an international student so there is no expectation that you will have APs, but you seem to go to an international school that offers APs and they will know that- but then again they will also know how limited your options are. So I disagree that it puts you ‘well below’

My bad on the ICFES: I am used to thinking of the ICFES being done in November, but I guess as an international school you are on a different calendar. With a predicted 450 (which is exceptional) I would have suggested taking it in November, b/c you could have submitted it with your applications.

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