Chance/Match me: Smart but Nerdy Athlete (small LACs)


  • State/Location of residency: * NYC Area
  • Type of high school:* Competitive Public
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity:* White (under college definitions)
  • Other special factors:* Athlete, good enough for D3 but not sure if recruitable.

Intended Major(s): Physics, Astrophysics, may pursue something in Philosophy if I have the opportunity

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.8 (no A+ in my school)
  • Weighted HS GPA*: we get it at the end of the year but I’m in All AP classes with A’s so take that as you will.
  • Class Rank:* school doesn’t rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores:* did not take SAT/ACT but got a 1400 PSAT blind so hoping for ~34 or ~1500 at least

AP classes taken in all disciplines. Will have 9 APs taken along with Dual enrollment in Multivariable Calculus. APs Taken: AP Chem, AP Psych, AP Calc AB, APUSH, AP Lang.
AP’s Planned: AP Physics C, AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP US Govt
Took 3 years of High school language and am pretty much fluent.


  • the time where I’m mad my public school is small because we have so little awards for academics.
  • Girl Scout Silver Award, working on Gold currently
  • All Conference Athlete (5th in the County, I was so close)
  • Currently holds a track school record since freshman year (2 years strong)
  • Seal of Civic Readiness, less of an award, more just something I get for getting A’s in Social Studies.


  • Girl Scouts for 10 years
  • National History Day
  • Track and Field competitively, go to invitationals, occupies 90% of my time outside school, currently writing this post as I should be sleeping because I have practice tomorrow morning even though it’s break (doing XC but mostly just as training).
  • Member of Chorale, I am an actual female tenor, we do exist.
  • FIRST Robotics: I scout and do business during the off-season, and mech if needed. My FRC team is awesome, seeded 1st at our regional this year. Also takes up a lot of time
  • Summer: worked at a factory over the past summer, this summer I’m going on a teen trip where I’ll be off grid backpacking in the Rocky Mountains, really excited for that!

I feel like I have little EC’s compared to others, but that’s because I dedicate a copious amount of time to each (but I love it!)


  • Essays: This is subjective but I assume my essays will be really good since I’m a good writer.
  • LORs: My science teacher also happens to be my track coach, so I’m going to ask him since we have an awesome relationship and I think he can speak really well about my interest in STEM, and how I’ll be a valuable member in and outside the classroom. I’ll probably also ask either my social studies or english teacher, both of whom I have great relationships with and can speak about my enthusiasm for learning. My guidance counselor has known me well for ages, so I think she’ll write a good report for me.

Cost Constraints / Budget
Will probably fill out CSS for merit at safety schools but will not need any aid

Safety *
-Local CC or Private University
Likely *
-SUNY Stonybrook, don’t necessarily want to go but my parents want me to apply to a state school
Match *

  • no clue help
    Reach *
  • Williams (looking like ED atm)
  • Vassar
  • Wesleyan
    Not visited (yet):
  • Tufts
  • Amherst
  • Haverford

Overall, list is DEFINITELY reach heavy atm, definitely want some higher admit schools, but I kinda feel like I would rather go local or gap year and then transfer rather than settle. Open to suggestions! you can tell this post got progressively lazier as i stop myself from falling asleep

Why don’t you find a SUNY you might like - such as Geneseo or New Paltz.

Your reaches are reaches -but perhaps Wes will happen - but it doesn’t have the ruralness you’d like - same with Tufts.

So what’s your sure bet besides SB? - and again, there’s other SUNYs that would be better fits for you, given your desires.

As for aid, I do encourage you to fill out CSS at schools that require - but merit aid doesn’t come from CSS. It’s for need.

And if you need merit/money - they you need to redo your list because Williams, Vassar, Wes, Tufts, Amherst and Haverford - guess what - they are need aid only.

So if you want to attend these schools and you won’t qualify for need, you will be spending upwards of $380-400K. Is your family ok with this?

That said, these schools are generous so you can work with your parents to run a net price calculator to see.

But go to your other post - and I put a bunch of schools there. You know what many have in common - they do have merit aid.

So do this first - get with your parents - and set a budget. Lots of kids have to change their list because the schools they want don’t fit into the amounts their parents want to spend.

PS - you keep saying you’d rather transfer or gap year than settle. What’s settling - per the other thread, I posted tons of great schools. One isn’t settling because they go to - say Bard - vs. Wes, etc. You need to change that mindset - and quickly!!! And taking a gap year likely won’t improve your odds of a 2nd application - unless you do something AMAZING during that gap year.

You are seeking only prizes - when the truth is, there’s nothing more important than a safety school - and that’s where you should focus before then finding a few reaches.

Good luck.



Consider Holy Cross in MA - very rigorous academics, great place

We don’t need aid, and have no budget. I’m lucky that my parents can provide me an education.

A smart, nerdy athlete will fit in well at Bates, but it’s a lower reach. What about Connecticut College and Trinity? You already have other NESCAC schools on your list, so I’d consider these too.

Also look at Union, a match. Ithaca might be a safety. Muhlenberg is probably a safety and is quite popular with athletes. Franklin & Marshall and Dickinson are worth checking out.

Being from an over-represented state/city is what will kill your chances in the northeast. Take a look at UVermont, Connecticut College, Bard College for good, small-ish colleges that are matches.

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Considered all. Trinity is too greek, Conn Coll is a maybe, and Bates is too far (although I would love to include a lot of the Maine colleges)

see post above. some are just too far for my parents

Then look closely at the PA LACs. Lafayette is probably a match. F & M is perhaps too Greek for you (Lafayette might be also, but probably a bit higher level academically.) Muhlenberg should be considered.

If your parents are dead set with their distance requirement, they are limiting your options. Geneseo is farther than Bates or Bowdoin, so maybe forget that. If you’re applying to Vassar, you should also consider Marist, likely a safety for you. New Paltz is a good option for a safety, though I’m not sure how “athletic” it is.


You’ve got a lot of reaches and need to add some matches - how about Skidmore? In order to get (more) and better recommendations, how far is acceptable to your parents? Also, don’t go into the process thinking you can take a gap year or transfer to a “better” school if your results aren’t what you want. Unless you do something incredible during a gap year it is unlikely to move the needle much. Likewise, most super selective schools accept a tiny number of transfers and often the acceptance rate for transfers is even lower than it is for incoming freshman. Make sure all the schools you apply to are places you’d enjoy being for four years - don’t bother applying to places you absolutely don’t want to go.


Looking at my recommendations from your previous thread, with the updated information, these are the schools I think you should take a closer look at:

Extremely Likely (80-99+%)

  • Allegheny (PA )
  • Drew (NJ)
  • Ithaca (NY)
  • Lycoming (PA )
  • Siena (NY)
  • SUNY Geneseo (more like 5 hours from NYC, but seems like a better fit for you than Stony Brook)
  • Ursinus (PA )
  • Washington (MD)

Likely (60-79%)

  • Clark (MA)
  • SUNY New Paltz

Toss-Up (40-59%)

Lower Probability (20-39%)

Low Probability (less than 20%)

I think she prefers closer to NYC but that is what came to mind too. I think it’s definitely worth a look!

I would add Wheaton College in Mass. Are you interested in women’s colleges at all?

Are you pursuing athletic recruiting?

May pursue athletic recruiting if I’m good enough. I don’t think I want all women’s.


Would love Bates. My parents want me to stay closer, othwewise for sure on the list.

If you are serious about athletic recruiting, you need to get on it asap. It looks like you are a TF person so you should go on the athletic team pages of schools you are interested in and see how your stats compare. My kids were recruited for other sports so I am not really knowledgeable about TF recruiting. To the extent that this is an individual sport with objective metrics, it is probably easier to enter the process later vs team sports. There are many on CC that are very knowledgeable about TF. Maybe @Mwfan1921 can point you in the right direction.


@politeperson knows a lot about TF recruiting, and I agree, the time is now to start contacting coaches.

ETA: OP if you want to get recruiting going, let us know your events and metrics.

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I’ve looked at the times at some schools and it looks like my freshman times match theirs with juniors being slightly better. I wouldn’t be the best, but not the worst. I run the 200 mainly, and was All Conference for 1500m racewalk (easier said than done, it’s a rarer sport and I’m good at it so if it’s offered that might help). I’ve ran the 100 but 200 is better. 100 PR freshman year is 14.0. 200 PR freshman year is 29.5. I also will probably run the 400 and targeting ~67 seconds by the end of this year, which is a doable goal. I think I’d be an immediate impact relay runner, because when I’m teamed up with runners of my ability we make it far (county relays, etc.) I’ll also talk to my coaches about what they think recruiting wise. I’ll also fill out the questionnaires.

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OP - I know you are going for the top of the top …at least you come off that way. As I noted safeties matter more than reaches.

Here’s an example why - and this student has a top score (vs. an assumed).

Your profile is great - but is not uncommon.

Take heed please. There’s no reason, especially as a full pay family, that you won’t end up in a FANTASTIC school.

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