Chance me, a CS transfer to USC (Already accepted to UCB and SJSU)

Hello there CC forums! My name is Steven and I’m graduating this spring from The City College of San Francisco with an associates degree in CS which I did over the span of 3 years while working full time as an electrician. I originally graduated high school in 2013 at a Christian school in Wisconsin with a 3.1 GPA, All Honors courses, and a 25 ACT Score but decided that college wasn’t right for me. I’ve been working as an electrician and have saved up enough to attend USC as a CS major and a transfer. I already got into Berkeley EECS and SJSU for CS but USC Viterbi is my top choice. I’ve completed all of the requirements for USC INCLUDING Calculus 3. I have a 4.0 GPA with a total of 25 Credits. Thank you so much!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2021-2022 USC Transfer