Chance Me (A Junior) For VT Engineering #VT22

Demographics: Black Male from NOVA (Northern Virginia)

Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering

Academics: I’m definitely doing well with the cards I’ve been dealt in life.

Note: I was in a foreign country during my freshman year and was put into the U.S. equivalent of 11th grade as a 9th grader. Because of this, and the fact that I was still acclimating to the workload, my GPA tanked quite a bit freshman year and I’m trying my best to bring it back up. I would imagine some colleges will give me a little leeway because of this. I also know VT doesn’t really look at GPA, but instead letter grades in challenging classes.

SAT I: Have Not Taken Yet (Will Take in March), but my predicted score is a 1300 or above.

PSAT: 1220/1520 Breakdown: 600 Math and 620 Reading

SAT II: Have Not Taken Yet (Will Take Chemistry and Math Level 2 Tests in May or June)

GPA: 3.18

Current Rank: 256/497

AP Coursework: Currently taking AP Chemistry and AP English Language

Class Schedules and Grades for Middle School 2014-2017 School Years

Middle School
Italian 1 - B+
Italian 2 - C+
Pre-IBDP Algebra 1 - C

2014-2015 (9th Grade)
English Language - B
Mathematics - C
Biology - B
Information and Computer Technology - B
Integrated Science - B
Social Studies - B

2015 - 2016 (10th Grade)
Pre-AP English 10 - A
Pre-AP World History I - B+
Algebra 2 - A
Computer Math - A
Pre-AP Chemistry - B
Spanish 1 - A
Health and PE 1 - A

Summer 2016
Health and PE 2 - A

2016 - 2017 (11th Grade, 1st Quarter)
AP English Language - B+ (88%) - Weighted
U.S. and Virginia History - A (96%)
Pre-Calculus - A (90%) - Weighted
AP Chemistry - B (83%) - Weighted
Spanish 2 - B+ (88%)
PLTW Principles of Engineering - A (96%) - Weighted
Engineering Explorations 1/Robotics - A (93%)

Honors: Received Academic Award for Academic Achievement in the 2015 - 2016 School Year

Extracurriculars: Book Club, Biotech Club, National Math Honor Society, Forensics Team, FRC (Robotics)

Summer Activities: Have been volunteering at my local library during the summer for 5 summers now.

Other Things to Note: I am currently taking an online 3-credit college course in Physical Geology.

I know my circumstances make it very hard to chance me, but any constructive input would be appreciated. I’m pretty sure my chances are slim at this point, though. I do know that VT does look at my letter grades more than my GPA. Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately, your GPA and SAT scores will significantly reduce chances of admission into Virginia tech.

This might help you:

Unless you make up your grade in junior year, you won’t be able to get in.

@HardOREasy My GPA is predicted to be around a 3.5 by the end of junior and my goal SAT score is a 1300.