Chance Me? and advice

<p>International Student (Asia Pacific Region)</p>

<p>Schools applying to :
Columbia University
UC Berkeley</p>

<p>Stats :
SAT: 2370/2400 (I didn't know you could use a calculator. From where I come from you can't use a calculator on the exam. Hoping to get a 2400 this October)
Math II : 760
Physics : 800
Math I : 780
Literature : 770
World History : 790
EC's :
Where I come from clubs and inter school competitions aren't encouraged (I tried to persuade the principal to let me form a debate team but I got rejected), honor classes and A.P. classes are non existent, trying to volunteer at a library or hospital will merit you weird looks and getting a job before you are 21 is illegal so yeah</p>

<p>99th percentile on a national standardized test<br>
Top 1% in the graduating class
I can code in C++, Visual Basic, Action Script etc...
50+ hours from outreach programs</p>

<p>on a side note do you guys think that I should just study in my country I've been accepted to the top 3 universities and have been offered free tuition, free board and monthly stipends even though my family is quite financially abundant</p>
