CHANCE ME - Asian Male School President and Triple Varsity Athlete

What does this mean? Do you have a different essay for different schools?

You are honest and self aware but rather than “better” I would suggest they may just serve a specific institutional goal or target or display a specific desired attribute or skill. You may recall I mentioned that possibility up thread and how hard it is at a very competitive school such as yours to fully appreciate the proverbial playing field.

Once again a quick reality check with your guidance counselor is advisable.

Enjoy the weekend and looking forward to hearing good news in a few months!!


Of course, my essays are all very unique for every “Why School” Essay. For example, I talk about things like FLUNCH at Duke or how I would use the Open Curriculum at Brown, it’s not cut-and paste generic or informercial-like.

Appreciate it a lot! I checked in with them and re-did my list a little bit. I will update in a few months with where I applied and got into. Thanks for all the support and advice!


I’m not sure how this works/ if it’ll update everyone in the thread – I’ll be sure to make a new post when everything comes in but I got into Purdue on a 10k/ year merit scholarship → I’m not getting rejected by every school (:


Purdue is a great acceptance - congrats!

Got into UNC and UMich! I’ve been emailed about applying to the honors college at Michigan. I’ve done zero research – what would the difference be and would it really be worth it?


Y not do some research ??


First - congratulations! Both are top schools, and very challenging admissions for OOs applicants. Second - Researching Michigan’s honors college is a great thing to do while waiting for other colleges. It will help you focus on your really good acceptances, rather than fret.


Apply for the Michigan honors program. What it offers is buried three or four obscure clicks into their website, but here it is: "Honors facilitates this community by offering students the opportunity to take a variety of Honors courses, many with small class sizes. It also offers the opportunity to interact with faculty, to receive thoughtful advising, to live in a community of students with similar commitment to their academic journey, and the chance to develop into a producer of knowledge during your college career. If these opportunities sound like something you would like to engage in, then Honors could be a great place for you!

While the other things are nice, a big part of college is the friends you make there. You want to live in an honors dorm. The people you meet on your floor, in your building, are going to be your first friends, and some will become lifelong friends. Wouldn’t it be nice to be living with people who are serious students, just as you are? Also, honors dorms tend to be a bit more civilized, a bit less like animal house.

Of course, if based upon your current acceptances, you know that you’re NOT going to go to Michigan, then don’t bother.


Congratulations. You are in great shape. Even if none of your super reaches works out (and they still may) you have some great choices and can breath a sigh of relief. UNC and UM are fantastic schools.


Hey, I got in! I did get denied at UVA though which was interesting because a lot of objectively worse candidates (no offense at all, these are my close friends who they themselves believe have worse stats/ ECs) got deferred while they were denied at UNC and Mich and I got in. Really goes to show the crapshoot of college admissions I guess.


If you care to say, how was your news from Williams?

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Curious if you are a UNC legacy? Agree with the general view that UVA is easier (but still not easy!) to get into OOS than UNC with almost double the acceptance rate. Legacy makes a huge difference at UNC, and more than a few of the 8 percent admitted OOS are legacies (or athletes) which makes the true admit rate for a non legacy OOS applicant lower. Agree that admissions is a crapshoot though!

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I have no legacy anywhere, we seem to have a good relationship with the college I guess.

Sorry! I forgot about this. The full update is as follows:

JHU (committed and attending if waitlists don’t work out)



I was rejected unfortunately

Congratulations on all of your acceptances and thanks for providing the update. Wishing you well at Johns Hopkins!


Great list of acceptances so congrats! Enjoy JHU!

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Congratulations! Hopkins is an excellent match for you and your interests. Even if you don’t get off the wait list at any of the others, you’ve done very well.