Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

Could I get input on where to send my current score using this list please. Thank you.


I agree.
Also, WI is better for CS but I think MN wins for Engineering (though chemE in particular, other fields are strong and with many fortune 500 companies the Cities are ideal for internships, externships, etc).
Both will be very cold. Cool, blue skies + snow + frigid temperatures. You’ll have a brand new wardrobe and new habits.


It’s also ranked top 20 nationally for mechanical engineering, which is the major I think @An_D is applying to.


Ok, makes sense for MechE specifically, but not sure how committed to that major OP is (I remember he started the thread with CS) so if the list needed cuts I’d cut UMD and RIT (I think some reaches will “cut themselves” after research). YMVV ofc.
If OP has time for all applications, why not, it’s a solid flagship, good location wrt NoVa industries, etc.

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UMD, tOSU, uWisc, UMN TC + the 3 Alabama universities

I’m sorry what is this?

None of the other schools? I know some require scores, GT for example.

Your Mileage May Vary….in other words…it depends.


Should the thread title be changed?

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Good point. If OP is ok with it, we should update.

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@An_D do you want me to change your thread title from CS to Mechanical engineering?


Yes, you must send to GT and Purdue because they require scores.

I would also send to Michigan because they value scores, and your 35 Math is very good (they won’t care about science nearly as much).

What numbers are you using for USC? And for what class? The median would be about midway between the 25th and 75th %ile, no?

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2021 CDS says 25%-32. 75%-35

Do we really want more people on this thread?! I feel like there are too many cooks in the kitchen as it is!:sweat_smile:

Yes but that’s class of 2025, two years old. See if you can find something more recent.

The tricky thing is…that some schools value scores, and USC is one of them. And the scores right now are inflated because only some applicants are submitting because they are playing this ‘only submit if you are at the median game’, which is silly and unsustainable.

You have a 35 in Math. A 35! Why wouldn’t you send that everywhere? No one cares about your science score (which is still fine).

I know some prescribe to the ‘only send if median or above’ practice, but I do think overall the 35 in Math helps you. All of us on this thread won’t even agree. If you don’t get in somewhere it won’t be because of your ACT scores.

ETA: it’s difficult for any of us to advise you on sending scores and say ‘do x’, because we don’t have the benefit of knowing your whole application.

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I would look at the CDS section c9. For Vandy 57% submitted. But it’s likely higher. More tech will use than non tech ( just a hypothesis) and a higher percent of athletes won’t submit. So I’d say 57% isn’t the engineering %•#, that it’s much higher.

I don’t see OP getting in either way but the point is I believe they will expect a submission.

Cornell is 60% but has several major schools I believe that are test blind and athletes. I think personally not submitting will be harmful. But submitting will also be. But I think it submitting is treacherous. My opinion. Clearly far more than 60% do.

Not sure any schools post test submitter vs non submitter stats but they’d be good for students to have.

I am sure there are lots of lurkers too! :zipper_mouth_face:

It’s just confusing when the thread title says CS and the discussion is about MechE, that’s all. Thanks to whoever changed it. :wink:


To be honest, the whole thread is confusing.


I’ll have to pay 18 dollars per college that I submit to correct?

Well…someone changed the title from CS to Mech E. So I guess we can move on!

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