Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

Use this for class of 2026.

UMD’s Class of 2026 CDS opens right up for me, but you don’t need it because it matches what’s on the link above re:test scores.

On a fast search I don’t see class of 2027 test score results for UMD but check the student newspaper.

The CDSs all have Class of 2026 results, not class of 2027 (incoming first years), so try to get Class of 2027 data before going to the CDS for Class of 2026.


So it looks like your ACT is at the midpoint. But this is for all students. Honors and merit students will have higher scores. Probably still worth applying with your score than without, IMO.


I’d remove UMD unless you’re applying for CS.
UIUC Engineering is a target (CS a reach).
Why RIT? Wpi for collaborative education or UCincinnati for co-ops&merit would make more sense to me.
11 reaches is a lot but I’m guessing, once you’re done with safeties and targets + are done with further research, how many reaches’ essays you want to write will shrink so 11 for now is fine.

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It’s only for students who applied with test scores….47% submitted an SAT and 7% applied with an ACT (some proportion likely submitted both) per the CDS.

I agree OP should definitely submit their ACT to UMD.


Is it not good for engineering.

Picked over for location.

Safeties: My act is above 75th


Rit-above 75th
UMD- 50th
OSU- 50th
Cal Poly Slo- N/a
UNL- above 75th
U-W Madison- between 50th-75th
UIUC- below 25th (for school of engineering specifically)
Purdue- Between 50th-75th


GT- 50th
WashU- 25th
Michigan- 50th
Johns Hopkins- Below 25th
USC- Between 25-75th (median not given)
CMU- below 25th
Duke- 25th
Cornell- 25th
Vanderbilt- below 25th
Columbia- below 25th
UPenn- below 25th


If you want to be considered for merit scholarship, you need to apply EA. If you are applying REA to other schools, this might eliminate being able to apply EA to USC. Stanford and Cal Tech have exceptions if the other EA application is non binding and necessary in order to be considered for a scholarship. I don’t know if the other schools on your list have that exception.

One nice thing about USC’s Viterbi is that, once you are accepted, you are accepted into all of their majors. That means, if you take a ME class and decide that you want to switch to CS, you can. There are no restrictions to moving between majors within Viterbi.

  • USC Viterbi has virtual information sessions. The next virtual info session is on Aug. 19. It is 2/3 full. Sign up ASAP if you think you might want to attend.
  • USC Viterbi often goes on the road and may be in your area. Keep your eyes open for when they post their travel schedule.
  • Follow Viterbi Admissions on social media (Instagram, Tik Tok, Threads, X, etc)

We’ve been through this. Test score - you should test again and luck. Because many of those schools require luck or ED.

And I’m guessing when it’s all over you’ll be at a safety. Just curious, why not add a low cost OOS safety ? U used to be anti in state but Auburn.

I think you’ll be at a safety because you need the means to go without wiping out your or your parents future financial security for buying a name but likely not buying an exceptional ROI vs the other names you are embarrassed by.

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I don’t plan on applying REA anywhere. Do you only qualify for merit at U-W Madison if you apply EA? I can’t find the answer to this question on their website.

In the end, I don’t think any matters. As long as OP he three safeties (admission and financial - they needn’t be the Bana schools if he doesn’t want - the rest will take care of itself.

We’ll never figure out the finances and no need to try. If they come in too high ahd the parents take out Plus loans - it’ll be their choice to wreck their future.

But if they come in too high and the family uses what most would say is smart decision making, then OP will end up at one of the safeties.

The only schools OP really needs to avoid are schools like the UCs and PSU that have 0% of getting to $30k.


You have to apply EA at every school that offers it. Schools like UMD, Purdue, UIUC, Madison fill up a significant portion of their class in the EA round.

I don’t know the UW merit answer, but merit is unlikely for all OOS students. And since you are applying EA anyway it doesn’t matter (meaning I wouldn’t ask my AO this question).

I would put UIUC and Wisconsin into that bucket too.


Agree. EA to every school on your application choices that offers EA. And for rolling admissions…get them done as soon as the applications are available for submission. Just get those all done!


RIT is a safety and Ohio State is a likely. They will not hit budget if that’s $30k but.

UNL is a safety but if it’s the Raikes program, agreed a match. But that’s a CS, not engineering program. Here is the curriculum.

You have a better shot at Rice than Vandy and I’d say it’s a stronger school for engineering.

With this list you need to ensure you know all the due dates - for admission but also scholarship consideration. Set a timeline. Figure out all the essay choices so you can find those within common themes. It’s gonna be tough to pull all these off but you’ll find schools, both in and out of state.

I just hope you don’t make a decision that strangles yourself and your family for years to come.

We’ve gone from you needing aid to you have your own business that makes $$.


Auburn (ea)
Alabama (rolling)
UAH (ea)

Ohio State (EA)
Cal Poly Slo (RD)
U-W Madison (EA)
Purdue (EA)

Georgia Tech (EA)
WashU (RD)
Michigan (RD)
Johns Hopkins (RD)
Cornell. (RD)
Duke. (RD)
Vanderbilt. (RD)
Columbia (ED I)
UPenn (RD)

I have all the dates in a spreadsheet.

Also seems like they just closed down Common App until August 1st. I had my activities and honors sections filled out on there. They sent an email saying to back up your college specific answers (which I did). Honors and Activities sections should remain untouched correct?

Yes, those should be ok per this: Applicant Support

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Trust no one but your own research. They used to.

Go to common data set section c7 for each.

Rit says it’s important. That’s the 2nd highest level, of equal importance to your essay, LORs and ACT. So that means get loving. Quick

WUSTL says no tracking but yes they used to. EDIT. I see @Mwfan1921 added the CDS for WUSTL so I deleted.

You didn’t add Rice but they track it - if you go back and add.

Btw it’s still kind of false they don’t because what the best interest one can demonstrate - ED. And typically it has a higher acceptance rate so while some say they don’t track it’s not entirely true.

But seems to me it’s time to love RIT.

Ps to @momofboiler1 you’l have to write extra essays for Vandy merit (Cornelius Vanderbilt and more if you apply for more) and Danforth at WUSTL. Google their merit scholarships. I posted below. Click on each program. Each has an essay.

Scholarships | Vanderbilt University.

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USC doesn’t track interest. Good to attend for knowledge though.

You can apply RD to SC and be considered for merit. But you have to apply by Dec 1, not the normal RD deadline.

Of course applying EA if you can is preferable.

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My opinion…it’s never bad to show interest…YOU might learn something new and valuable by opening an email, sitting through a webinar, or whatever.

If the only reason you are “showing interest” is because you think it will help you in admission, its my opinion, you are on the wrong track.


If they offer EA apply EA. Schools often fill up their slots in EA - UMD and Purdue for sure.

The likelihood of merit at Wisconsin is like that of Penn State or CP SLO. Not happening.

That said there is no deadline. All completed applications are eligible. You will actually apply it sounds like - for scholarships. See extra work as others pointed out - after the fact.

If you need merit, I’ll be honest - don’t love your list. But since you say money is not an issue - I guess you’re ok full pay. Your list is mainly for a full pay student or a student with demonstrated need. Not for a student with a $30k budget - except the three Bama. Wisconsin, if this is the case, Is just throwing time and money away.

Wisconsin is $60k - $58k plus another $2k for engineering. If you want merit, Minnesota is a better play. If you get into Wisconsin, you’re paying $60k. If you got lucky, you’d get a few thousand off. So you should decide now, not later if schools like this make sense. I think your family says we’ll figure out later and you’ll realize what a bad strategy that will be.


Sure it’s good for Engineering, but in the way most solid flagships are - like Virginia Tech or NCSU. It’s not like UMD CS which is a national standout.

What about URochester?
Making sure you’re not mistaking RIT for RPI :wink:

It’s a good list but a bit long. Basically, if you ever want to cut that list down, these 2 might be the easier cuts, but if you like them, go ahead, after all you’ve got 20 spots on CommonApp.