Chance me at all UCs please!

<p>Sorry for the wall of text, but here goes:</p>

<p>Asian male
California Resident
Second-generation college student

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.73 (I got 4/6 B’s second semester junior year because of lots of EC involvement)
UC Capped GPA: 4.10
Class Rank: 20/411</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores:
730 Critical Reading
770 Math
740 Writing
2240 Total</p>

<p>SAT II Scores:
800 Math Level 2
650 Chemistry
610 Literature
(taking Literature/US History in November)</p>

<p>Planned AP/IB Tests (none taken so far):
AP - Calculus BC
AP - World History
IB - HL English
IB - SL Physics
IB - SL Mathematics</p>

<p>12th Grade Courses
AP/IB Global Studies
AP Calculus BC
IB English 2
Honors/IB Physics
IB Theory of Knowledge
Student Government</p>

Golf Team (1 year JV, 3 Years Varsity, 2 Years Team Captain)
Cross Country Team (1 Year JV)
Baseball Team (Club team, 2 years during high school, 8 years total)
Student Government Elected Officer (2 Years, Class Treasurer then Student Body Vice-President)
California Association of Student Councils (CASC) Regional Development Director (primarily marketing/expansion of leadership program)
Delegate of CASC Summer Conference 2007 at Stanford
Participant in selective local leadership program (Junior Year)
Employment at local golf course (2 years and counting, 10 hours/week)
Key Club (2 years, 11th/12th grades)
CSF member (3 years)
Honor Roll (Grades 9-11)
National Merit Commended Scholar</p>

<p>AND (an edit from a post in a different thread to clarify some stuff):</p>

<p>Thank you guys for such prompt responses!</p>

<p>To clarify my GPA, my 11th Grade schedule was:
IB English 1
IB Film 1
Honors Trig/Pre-calc
Honors Chemistry
AP/IB US History
Student Government</p>

<p>I realize that I did not take AP tests where I could have, and that this could hurt my chances. I won’t be taking an IB test for Film because I was planning to take the HL test, but because of a scheduling conflict, I couldn’t take the second year. Without having met all the SL requirements either, I got somewhat screwed. AP Chemistry as a class and a test is not offered at my school, and IB is offered with significant supplemental work, so I chose not to take the test. Also, I chose not to take the AP US History test, and I will actually be taking the IB HL History test at the end of this year. In terms of classwork I’ve taken essentially the hardest classes I could for my school, though I haven’t taken the tests to show for it unfortunately.</p>

<p>Regarding ECs, I’m wondering how to address this in my applications. My ECs really don’t stack up in comparison to those I’ve seen from other posters on CC. I’m passionate about the leadership opportunities I’ve been given, but as I have to present a laundry list of everything I’ve done, I don’t want to get the important ones lost in the mix. I’ve really worked hard and made things happen in my positions with CASC and as ASB VP, so how do I make these stand out to address this “main theme or passion”?</p>

<p>UCR/UCM/UCSC - Safety
UCI/UCD/UCSB - Safety/Match
UCSD - Match
UCLA - Match (I know people with lower stats than you who've gotten in)
UCB - Match/Slight Reach</p>

<p>Good luck on applications!</p>

<p>Sorry to do this, but... bump.
Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>UCSD - slight reach
UCLA - big reach
UC Berkeley - big reach</p>

<p>all the rest ur fine</p>

I have to disagree with your rankings</p>

<p>UCSD - high match
UCLA and UCB - good chances</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA - slight reach
UCSD - match
UCD/UCSB/UCI - high safety
UCSC/UCR/UCM - safety</p>