How did you defer so many schools to next year? Normally you pick a school you will go to, commit by sending a deposit, and then request the deferral. You can’t have done this with 6 (or 7) schools. Have the rules changed with covid so that they are allowing deferrals without commitment?
It’s because Gallatin is a school of individualized study and you usually need to write a compelling essay about how you will use that freedom to structure your course of study (and generally in a way you would not be able to easily do via another school) to get admitted. So applying undecided kind of defeats the object of Gallatin. I have in the past seen people think it’s easier to get in via Gallatin and apply for that reason, but if you’re just doing it as a way to try mirror a CAS or other degree without having to go through those schools’ admissions process it very seldom works.

@SJ2727 I think you are confused… I am not going undecided at NYU and not applying to stern. I already applied to Gallatin and properly researched about the school and mentioned about my plans a doing entrepreneurship with legal studies. I was talking about going undecided in IVY such as Dartmouth. I had applied to NYU Shanghai 2 years back and got in with 60% scholarship. Its acceptance rate is only 3.8% and I did not apply to any colleges under NYU NYC campus, hence placed at Shanghai. This time I already applied to Gallatin.
With regards to my backups, I already got into Beloit College, Hult university both with full ride on tuition. Also got into Pace University, NYIT, St Johns University, University of Nebraska and Idaho as well. I got backups and deferred all to fall 2021. Since I got 6 safety schools, I want to apply to competitive one’s as well.
Plus I don’t think its a good option at all to come to the states for postgrad over undergrad, because we will go in debt worth at least $125,000. I thought I shall take my chances and see how it’s going to be.
It is much easier to get funding for NYUSH and NYUAD than NYU NY, but, ok. Glad you have fully funded safeties, that was not at all clear from your prior posts. In that case sure, shoot for the reaches.
@merc81 @SJ2727 I havent applied undecided to Gallatin, I told why I want to go to Gallatin and I cant let go these 3 subjects (Business, IR, Gender and sexuality studies- I provided the reasoning behind these three subjects and mentioned how it can be connected.) as I can relate to them. Then I spoke about a professors class at Gallatin.
I applied Undecided to CAS and Stern as an alternate choice, thats all. At Gallatin, I gave a brief explanation as to why it is the right fit for me and explaining about the subjects I am interested. My top choice is Gallatin, then NYU also asks if I was interested for another schools within NYU, so I opted for undecided at CAS, Stern, Liberal studies and Global liberal studies. Why NYU essay deals only with Gallatin. The rest, I just opted for the given question.
@me29034 Due to covid all the schools allowed for deferral and you don’t have to commit to any of them. Its up to the student.
@SJ2727 Thank you so much for your insight. I wanted to go to NYUAD due to its financial aid but the major and minors are not what I am looking for… so :/.
I applied to Emory, USC, Stevens and Fordham now. Currently doing essays for Georgetown University and later GWU.
I’d suggest you also look into the aid policies of individual schools to help avoid disappointment/focus your essays perhaps/figure out where to spend your application fees. Georgetown says “ Financial aid for international students is extremely limited”, and it is need aware for internationals. In that sense it is probably more of a reach than the need-aware-but-meet-full-need ivies for you.
Also Emory is not “urban”, in the sense that you need to commute to get into the city - not sure if that was a factor in your choice (but I mentioned it as you had asked about urban before). Many people love the campus though.
@SJ2727 Yes, I applied to Emory as it is very close to the city. Georgetown is need-blind and GWU is need aware. I know Georgetown offers very limited aid but I am going to apply as it is one of my favorite university :). If I get good financial aid, then I shall proceed or else I will drop.
Is DePaul University in Chicago good? I was thinking abt Loyola University at Chicago as well. Applied to Northwestern but its definitely a Reach school.
Then I am applying to Syracuse University and got interview today. Is Trinity University in San Antonio a good university?
If you are serious about studying in the U.S., then you need to begin to learn how to match yourself, as a good counselor would for an American high school student. Though it appears you won’t be submitting your SAT score, you should be aware of it, in that it will indicate the suitability of your potential choices — and will be evident in your application even if you do not submit it. Since we don’t know your score, consider a hypothetical figure of 1290. In this case, colleges such as Amherst, Dartmouth, Georgetown and, to further the example, the notably well-endowed, but insufficiently “prestigious,” University of Richmond, would be out of reach, and, in my opinion, not appropriate schools to which to apply.
To continue this point, it seems one reason you have not meaningfully refined your list since opening your thread is because you haven’t screened schools based on their academic expectations. To do this, research student-body profiles through IPEDS or Common Data Sets, then consider your own academic profile, including your standardized scoring results, in this context.
Your list seems all over the place right now, large/medium/small, urban/rural, vibe, etc.
Georgetown is need aware for international students. Also Georgetown is not test optional for students who have taken an SAT/ACT…have you taken an SAT and/or ACT?
All but 5 schools are need aware for internationals: H,Y,P, MIT and Amherst.
DePaul and Loyola Chicago are both good schools, but both will gap you in terms of financial aid (neither meet full need). Have you considered American U in DC? (but may have an affordability issue there as well)
Are any of the schools you have been accepted to affordable? Make sure to also budget for travel to and from the US, mandatory health insurance at each school (varies, but generally $2K-$3K/year), books and other incidental expenses.
I was thinking abt Loyola University at Chicago as well.
Loyola accepts 90% of the international students who apply, so it appears your chances of getting in, at least, would be good there.

University of Richmond seems a very good university, but I would like to try for prestigious universities.
Are you sure you are in the range from which you could regard the University of Richmond as not prestigious? For one thing, the majority of its accepted students have SAT scores of at least 1370. Does this describe you?
@apple23 Yes yes I recently started researching :). I didnt hear about the university before so thats why I disregarded earlier.I am applying.
@merc81 Yupp I have started my application there :).
Wishing you luck with all of your applications, @Nithinng.
@merc81 Thank you for your guidance and I shall definitely update you with my decisions :). Have an amazing day!