<p>SAT scores:
Math: 540
Reading: 740
Writing: 530
Literature: 630
(I just took the SAT I again in October, so I'm waiting for those scores yet. I'm also taking Chemistry, US History and Math II in November)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0</p>
<p>Homeschooled, with some public school classes (NJROTC, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, AP Chemistry)</p>
<p>All honors courses since 9th grade</p>
<p>Senior year courses: (all honors unless otherwise stated)
AP chemistry, physics, trig (already took calc), Spanish IV, French III, Latin II (half credit every year), Govn't & Econ, English, NJROTC (no honors available)</p>
<p>Piano Teacher for 4 years, currently have 7 students
Volunteer at local hospital, 2 years (trained 5 new volunteers)
President of Teen Advisory Committee at local library (member for 5 years)
Special Operations Officer of NJROTC (4 years in the unit)
Junior Firefighter since April of 2011 (also going to take EMT course over the winter)
Area 4 NJROTC Leadership Academy 2011 ( 2 week leadership course)
Played CYO basketball since 4th grade
Member of the National Honor Society</p>
<p>So, what do you think my chances are?<br>
Thanks! :)</p>