Chance Me at TCU

<p>I'm from Brooklyn, NY, but I go to a fairly elite Prep School in New England. </p>

<p>SAT scores: Math-640 Reading-600 Writing-710 Total-1970

<p>I have qualified for the national championships in wrestling, and am captain of my team. I am also an editor of my school's newspaper. I have been active for all of my high school summers, have worked, and been a part of numerous other extracurricular activities.</p>

<p>Also, everyone keeps telling me how great my application essays are </p>

<p>So, what are my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>i say don’t sweat it. you’ll most likely get in. just try not to think about it. i applied for spring semester and am also wondering the same thing as you haha. we’ll know fairly soon though!</p>

<p>Southbound12, you sound like a very qualified candidate. Are you going to take the SAT one more time? I recommend it if you have a chance but you are in good shape! Community service and extracurricular is very important to TCU so be sure to emphasize that on your application and in your essay.</p>