Chance Me-Binghmaton University

<p>looking to apply to SUNY Binghamton School of Management</p>

<p>GPA:84-85,two APs and Three College Courses
SAT:CR-460 Math-620 W-420,will take SAT again in dec and aiming for at least a 700 in math and a 500 in writing and reading,these are not my goals ,scoring higher than that is even better
Extracurrics:Superb,too long to mention</p>

<p>please tell me how i would fare in applying ,thanks
c2meang91 is invisible</p>

<p>i’m not sure, i would aim way higher for the readning/writing. </p>

<p>i knew someone locally who ranked 15th in his school and got rejected from bing. (i live about 20 mins away)</p>