Chance Me Dude!

Ethnicity: African-American
Sex: Male
Residence: VA
Graduation Year: 2009
Major interests: Engineering
School: Highly Competitive
Class Size: About 600
Hooks:African American Engineer, In state(most schools)</p>

4.0 Scale
Had a 2.75 UW freshman year which put my GPA in a hole, then turned it up Sophomore-Junior Years with a combined 3.5 in my schools AP/Honors program. My counselor will talk about my great turnaround in her recommendation.
UW:3.2 W:3.3
Had only one C after freshman year in 11th grade AP Macroeconomics which isn't offered by my school.
GPA's arent weighted much at my school.
The valedictorian of my class has only a 4.06 weighted GPA.
Senior Year First Semester GPA W:3.78</p>

SAT: 1800 Combined {Math-670, Cr-560, Wr-570}</p>

<p>Rank: School Doesn't Rank</p>

<p>Course Rigor:
Most Rigorous
9th-12th:7 APs, 7 Honors, 4 years of Spanish, 4 years of Business Classes
11th:3 AP's Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, English Language
12th:4 AP's Calculus BC, Biology, English Literature, US Government</p>

1. (9-12)Future Business Leaders of America (President)
2. (9)Freshman Basketball Team (Co-Captain)
3. (10) JV Basketball (Co-Captain)
4. (10-12)National Business Honor Society
5. (9-10) JV Winter/Spring Track
6. (10-12) Varsity Track Team
7. (11-12) Science Honor Society
8. (9-10) Junior Math Team
9. (11-12) Senior Math Team</p>

<p>Volunteer Experience
Many Hours in:
1. Local Church Helping First Graders
2. Library Helping Librarians
3. Cleaning local Neighborhoods</p>

Recommendations:Amazing rec from my physics honors teacher who graduated from UVA in mechanical engineering.
Counselor Recommendation: Great explaining how I've matured in four years
Essays: Great</p>

<p>The Schools (In Order)
University of Virginia
William and Mary
Virginia Tech
Maryland-College Park
University of Pittsburgh: Accept, University Scholar, $10,000 per year
James Madison
George Mason
Virginia Commonwealth University: Accept</p>


<p>hmm, I don't know anything about these schools. But the best site to go to is collegeboard. Honestly they'll break it down for you what's more important at each school in terms of the admissions process. I'll put the link at the bottom, starting with your first school. Under admissions policies & factors it lets you know what's the very important factor is for this school, important factors, and what are considered during the admissions process. It helps, I think for myself.</p>

<p>College</a> Search - University of Virginia - UVA - Admission</p>

<p>good luck!</p>