Chance Me EA: University of Wisconsin-Madison

OOS Illinois

GPA: 3.65 UW
SAT: 1350
Top 25% of class (700 Kids)
6 AP classes
UW Alumni Teacher letter of rec
Major: Kinesiology in Education School
Strong essay about love for anatomy and becoming an athletic trainer
4 years of high/highest honor roll
All-Conference academic for track and volleyball

2 Varsity sports
3 jobs overall
Athletic Training internship
Poetry club
Teaching kids volleyball over the summer

Plz help, I need opinions!

May/may not get in. Stats in range but so are4 many other applicants’.

Do you think that applying to a less competitive school within the university makes a difference, though?

You get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of chosen major. You may or not be admitted directly to some schools/colleges as a freshman. Check the website for specific major requirements.

You are competing with ALL UW applicants for a space at UW. Most freshmen are in L&S, it is competitive for DIRECT admission to some others such as business and engineering (where some majors are limited and competitive). See the school (UW website) for your proposed major for details.