Chance me for a&m mays business school

<p>Stats are as follows....SAT verbal 530 Math 650 writing 570 Gpa 4.325 weighted. Top 11-12% ranking. 4 years varsity sport. 60 hours volunteer service. Taking ACT in February and SAT again. NHS and captain of varsity sport team senior year. Will have good rec letters. Chance me for Mays...</p>

<p>40% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>My advice is to take as many ACT practice tests (full tests) as you can. ACT is much faster paced than the SAT so it’s important to get used to the timing. Good luck</p>

<p>Little too late to retake ACT/SAT for admissions this year.</p>

<p>Graduate in 2015. So top 11% isn’t good enough?</p>

<p>After some rethinking, I’m thinking you’re probably at 65%. Your SAT verbal is a little low, but everything else looks respectable or good.</p>

<p>I’m working on bringing up the verbal score. I have a private tutor for it. Hoping ACT is a better test for me. I think I could get in if I wasn’t trying for mays.</p>

<p>I think you are fine. Don’t worry too much. Your record shows how hard you worked, don’t stress too much about it. I see too many students applying to A&M over-complicating and over-doing things.</p>