Chance me for admission?

First generation college student out of state applicant from Ohio. What are my chances for admissions and possible scholarships? Thanks.

Will be valedictorian of my class.
4.47 weighted GPA, unsure of unweighted
29 ACT, 1750 SAT
2 AP, 16 Honors/Advanced, 14 Post Secondary
4 years of Spanish, 3 years of French
200+ volunteer hours
President of French Honor Society, Treasurer of National Honor Society, Runner up for Student Body President. Member of Spanish Honor Society, Student Council, and Prom Committee. Manager of a retail store.

Over 100% chance of admission lol are you kidding. You can get into U of A with a 2.5 GPA from high school. You will get pretty much a full scholarship

valedictorian with only a 29? wow i wish i went to your school.