chance me for amherst,williams,colby,colgate,bates(inter. student)will chance back

<p>thank you all, it is greatly apprecaited</p>

<p>your comments just light me up

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Are you from Kyrgyzstan? That’s cool, I went there for a competition last year. I have a model of a yurt!</p>

<p>Anyway, your SATs seem to be okay but FA will hurt you. However, considering that you’re a URM (I think so!), you might stand a higher chance. You should try for MIT if you’re considering majoring in science and also that you went for IChO and other chem Os.</p>

<p>If you’re up to writing lots of essays, I suggest trying for the colleges suggested by TheRoad.</p>

<p>wow! what was the competition about?
where are you from?
thanks for the advice
that’s greatly appreciated</p>