<p>So let’s all be real, BU is perfect in every way and I would love to call BU home for 4 years</p>
<p>GPA: 3.85 UW
Rank: 100/810
ACT: 34
206 PSAT
12 APs
AP Scholar and Honor Grad</p>
Mu Alpha Theta (3 years)
SNHS (2 years)
Mock Trial - outstanding witness, team captain (regional winners)
School Leadership Team (10 chosen out of class of 810)
Peer Leader (considered prestigious)
Partnership Walk Club - pres.
Amnesty International (Founder, Pres.)
Recipient of Presidents Voluntary Service Award (Gold 250 hrs+) all three years
Religious Community Outreach Group 3 years, team lead
Fencing (Foil) 4 years (won many regional gold medals)
Attended Duke TIP
Attended Summer Institute for the Gifted @ Emory
Attended National Youth Leadership Forum @ Emory
Georgetown Summer Undergraduate Session - International Affairs
Model UN - captain</p>
<p>Indian male from Georgia, Interested in International Relations or Poli Sci. </p>
<p>Feedback for ED and RD chances?</p>