Chance me for College of Science ????

I am going to be a senior this fall and will be applying to Virginia Tech early decision to their college of sciences. I will apply as a biology major going onto a pre-med track. But when I apply I don’t think I mention the pre-med track, I just put down biology major in college of sciences.

SAT: 640 Writing. 630 Math. 510 Critical Reading.
SAT II: 640 Math 1. 640 Math 2

GPA: 3.84 (Weighted). Not sure what my unweighted GPA or class rank is.

AP Classes:
10th grade- World History
11th grade- AB Calc, Lang, Economics
12th grade- BC Calc, Lit, Spanish, Biology

This will make it 8 AP’s total in high school.

Key Club
National Honor Society
Science National Honor Society
Math Honor Society
English National Honor Society (Vice President, will be President next year)
Social Sciences and Global Studies Honor Society (Vice President)
Online Newspaper (Editor in Chief)

Hey! I’m attending Virginia Tech this fall as a Bio major most likely following the Pre-med track. I’d say that you have great chances, especially if you apply ED. The only thing that may hold you back is the critical reading score, however based on your other factors you seem like a really good fit. Good luck, and if you have any other questions feel free to message me.