<p>I come from a small town in Florida, where not many people even know about boarding schools like the ones I am applying to. I am applying for the 11th grade. I am in IB, have a 4.5 GPA, have had straight A's all my life, I also know Spanish, Urdu, Hindi, and English. I have participated in regional math competitions and was invited to participate in a state math competition. I was captain of my 8th grade history bowl team, I won 2nd place in my 7th grade science fair, 3rd place in my 4th grade social studies fair, and won my school spelling bee. I received the presidents silver award, I have received numerous citizenship awards, and I have received scholarship awards.
played soccer for 4 years
horseback riding for 5 years
tae Kwon do for 3 years
dance 3 years
musical theatre 3 years
surfing for 3 years
tumbling for one year
I founded the Muslim student association at my highschool
I am in mu alpha theta
I am in photography club
I am in jr. American medical association
I was in national junior honor society and have completed service hours for them</p>
<p>There’s a special section on this site for private schools. Try there.</p>