Chance me for Harvard EA (this should be fun!)

@srcavi01, it is ok. This is all tough to navigate and your circumstances certainly add some barriers. There still should have been more academic opportunities and assessment dates for you and I am sorry that an adult in an administrative role did not help you figure out fee waivers and access to courses with additional rigor.

With all of that said, I think your ambition and drive will allow you to find options.

Has someone helped you complete your FAFSA and CSS forms? There are substantial funds available for students who have been in the foster care system. I want to make sure you are able to provide the correct information to colleges that meet 100% of need.

Where else have you applied?

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Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding. I have filed the fafsa already and css profile I have applied to middlebury, dartmouth, yale, duke kunshan, nyu shanghai, and upenn - as well as murray state university(I was accepted) they did not provide me with enough financial aid. I’ll talk to my counselor about it though. Thank you once again!

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i have applied to middlebury, dartmouth, yale, duke kunshan, nyu shanghai, and upenn. We can afford up to 290 for school, but even that is hitting barriers currently due to corona. My tutorer is my friend who offers to teach me. Thank you so much for your kindness.

$290? Or does that mean something else? You need virtually 100% financial aid.

You have NO safety school or even a match school. A safety isn’t a safety if you can’t afford to attend. I’m not good with financial stuff, but you will need Pell grants and will also probably need to work during summers and do work study during the college year. Even if you get all your financial need met, you will still need money for incidentals.

Have you run any net price calculators yet for the colleges you plan to apply to? Have you filled out the FAFSA?

Can you please provide us with all your courses so far and the grades for those courses. Are you applying and hoping for the best? Has someone suggested you apply to these colleges?

Yes, I have had suggestions to apply to these colleges, but not to any safety schools. My safety college was a safety college until they bailed on my financial aid. I have done a net price calculator and filled the fafsa.

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A safety isn’t a safety unless it’s affordable…what do you mean the safety school bailed on your FA?

What is your FAFSA EFC? What does the Harvard NPC give you for estimated cost of attendance?

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I have no family contribution. Harvards NPC was about $300 for me.


Share your courses and grades please. There might be colleges where you will qualify for automatic scholarships.

Theses schools are ALL reaches. You need a college you can be sure of getting into. None of the college you mention are remotely close to that.

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Maybe consider adding Vanderbilt and UMiami to your list. Based on other acceptances I know of they may come in with the aid you need.

There are a few less selective 100% need colleges listed on this page. Holy Cross may be interesting.

Thank you!

I will write down my courses and type them later on today! Thank you.

To clarify, you have an EFC of $290.00? (EFC is the calculation that the NPC finds).

You should look at Berea College in Kentucky.

I highly recommend that you take a look at this list of tuition-free colleges:

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Thank you so much!

I believe your chances are very good at some of the top schools you have mentioned, including Harvard. And schools that meet full need without loans are your best bet financially.

Your backstory is one of overcoming obstacles, an important factor in admissions. Your EC’s are interesting and you appear to be very self-driven.

Your school does not have AP’s.

I think you may be the kind of student that some schools are actually prospecting for. Don’t get your hopes up too high but also don’t feel discouraged by some of the responses here, particularly as you reveal more actual info on your situation.

Make sure to write about your background and challenges as well as your accomplishments.

Are you submitting/did you submit a supplement with a recording of your vocal performance? Just curious.

Thank you so very much! No, I am not submitting but I do plan on submitting art portfolios.

Good luck!

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thank you so much!

There’s nothing to lose by applying. Just know that 96% of applicants get rejected, so you don’t want to go in with a bunch of expectations. That being the case, you have a strong GPA. I would recommend you still take your SAT, because it could only increase your options. If you’re low income, you have the best shot at a generous financial aid package from a private school. NYU just announced an increase in their financial aid. I think that school might be good fit for you. Also check out Wake Forest, Boston College, and Boston University.

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