Chance me for Honors College

My father and I visited U of A two weeks ago . Loved the campus The Honors College looked like a great match for me what do you think my chances are? 35 A.C.T 2 subject test Math 2 (770) U.S history( 750 ) 220 S.I PSAT .

What is your GPA?

As long as you have a 3.5 GPA you will be admitted into the honors college. They admit based on stats, nothing else. As long as you have a 28 ACT and a minimum 3.5 GPA (weighted or unweighted) you will be accepted into UA’s honors college.

I have a 4.0 unweighted G.P.A from 9th grade to 11th . 4 A.P Junior year and 5 A.P this coming year.

Honors College admission is automatic, not competitive, and it’s based on your GPA through 11th grade only, so your admission is guaranteed. But with those stat’s you should think about applying to one or both of the elite honors programs: Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP) and University Fellows Experience (UFE). Admission is competitive, highly selective, and based on more than just grades and test scores. Take a look:

[Computer-Based Honors Program](

[University Fellow Experience](

Thank you for your input . I will look into both (CBHP) and also (UFE) !

@lmjdad1 , when you visited 2 weeks ago, was your tour arranged by the Honors College or by yourself?

I set it up , it was set up through the honors college.

I should have proof read before posting . The tour was not arranged by the Honors College.

Is there a difference between the campus tour the Honors College gives and the tour gives by undergraduates admission?

@miranda9999 the honors college creates a tour specific to you interests. They set me up with a lunch with an upperclassman who was in my future field of study, ended it with an honors college specific tour, had me take a full walking tour, and set me up with a meeting with one of the head professors of Computer Science.

They set up everything for me, and it was the best and most personal college visit I’ve had so far!

@Jpgranier Was the full walking tour the same as the walking tour given by the admissions office?

@miranda9999 yes it was. Ours was very small though (five people) due to timing. We went on the day before thanksgiving hahah

@Jpgranier oh ok. did you take both types of tours? If so, what were the differences?

There was a walking tour then a sit down honors tour led by an honors person.

Don’t remember it in detail. You should take both! They were both beneficial in different ways.

@Jpgranier ok, thanks! is there one you would recommend over the other (I’m not sure if I will be able to go to both while I am there)?

Your personalized tour sounds great! My son, class of 2018, has the stats for honors college and is also interested in computer science. We just registered today for a tour next month through the admissions office.and had to input test scores, GPA, etc. I also put in the comments section that we are interested in the honors college. Should I contact the honors college separately or will the info I put in automatically trigger something, like a separate tour, from the honors college?

Contacting the Honors College separately would be your best option.