<p>I am a current junior in a not so competitive public high school on long island.
My unweighted GPA is around a 94, weighted around a 97.(my school does GPA's like this, and not on a 4.0 scale) My class rank hovers around the top 5% of a class of 400. I'm currently taking 2 college courses in school(college spanish from st.johns, and college accounting from c.w. post) and the rest of my classes are honors level courses including honors chemistry and honors trig. I am also self-studying for the World AP exam since I am taking global 9 and global 10 honors currently(i moved from Pennsylvania so some of the curriculum differs). My schedule for next year includes 4 AP's(psych, bio, eco & gov). I want to go to a prefferably in-state school with a good pre-medical program. </p>
<p>I recieved a 191 on the PSAT's, and have been working on studying for the SAT's, my practice scores hover around 2000-2100. Also plan on taking the SAT II's in chemistry, math I, world history, and perhaps biology.</p>
<p>Extracurriculars(where i fall pretty flat)
1 year of Interact Club
Part time job at Dunkin Donuts(just got hired)
Signed up to volunteer at hospital in Queens during the summer
Will be a camp counselor this summer at a Sikh(religious camp), day camp about 100 hours total
Active volunteer at local temple
Just got into NHS as well
(Looking for some more good EC's to add on)</p>
<p>Indian male (sikh, if that makes any difference</p>
<p>What are my chances of getting into the following:
SUNY Stony Brook's Scholars of Medicine Program
Hunter (Macualy Honors College)-that full tuition+room and board is pretty attractive
and last and probably least
Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education(7-year B.S./M.D. program, forces one to go into primary care)</p>