<p>Hi, Here is my resume. I m a international student who came to the States two years ago. Please chance me, CCers~~Thank you,guys~~
1)Tests:SAT1 2060(590+790+680(9))(Dec retake,aiming 2150 after superscore)
SAT2 2390 (800+800+790) (Math+Biology+Chemistry)
ACT 32(27(8)+36+32+32) (Dec retake,aiming 34 after superscore)
TOEFL 107 (30+29+23+25)
GPA 4.6 (weighted) 4.0 (unweighted)
AP(5): Calculus AB 5, Cal BC 5, Chem 5, Physics 5. US History 4
In Progress AP's(5): Macroecon, Microecon, Psychology, Statistics, Biology.
2)EC: Chinese Club Founder and President, Study at Times Club President, FBLA Club Member, KEY Club Member, Model UN Club member, Student Government, Literature Association Representative, National Honors Society, Volunteer at Children's Welfare House
3) Honor: NHS, AP Scolar with Distinction, Presidential Community Service Bronze Award, Social Science Department "Student of the Year"
4) Work Experience: Marketing Assistant at Chinese National Software Development Ltd. for two years,Co-Founder and Owner of an online shop.
5)College List:
Reach: U Chicago,Cornell,Northwestern, WUSTL(Olin)
Target: UC Berkeley/LA/SD, CMU(Tepper), Emory, USC(Marshall Priority), UVA, NYU(Stern), U Michigan (Ross), BC (Carroll)
Safety: UIUC,BU, Indiana Bloomington (BA)</p>
<p>Of what I know:
Cornell-mid reach
U Chicago-mid reach
Northwestern- high match
U Michigan-in</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/825524-chance-me-i-will-definitely-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/825524-chance-me-i-will-definitely-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Wow, you’ve done so much in terms of EC in your two short years! I don’t know what I did in the last 3.5 years of my life.
I can’t say much about chances–but I will relay an advice from my brother (much older, working in finance). Don’t go to a business school undergrad unless it’s one of the following: Wharton, Sloan, Stern, or Ross. He says that schools like Olin and Tepper, while great, don’t provide much of an advantage in getting your first job in finance–and will only hurt your chances down the line when you’re considering an MBA.
If you hit your targeted SAT, it would look like you’d have a pretty strong chance.
Hit me back please!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/827156-please-suggest-school-clueless-kid.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/827156-please-suggest-school-clueless-kid.html</a></p>